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They are darlings! Chickens are great at pest control aren’t they? I’ve heard over the years that pot bellied pigs are typically a gentle animals, and the few I’ve seen are awfully cuddly looking!

”Nap Time” by the way had me laughing, I thought maybe you were having a nap with a critter! 😴

I should have known that there are no naps for zoo keepers! 😂
Sorry in advance but I need to vent. I had to withdraw from the zoo program at college and I have to hire an attorney due to serious issues with the staff with the way they treat veterans like me and the older students. Sunday morning at 3am our truck was repossessed by Capitol One. It was supposedly due to no insurance and no drivers license for the last 2 years. It cost us $8000 that we didn't have to get the truck back while they "investigate" the issue. The repo company even sent Capitol One information saying that we were not at fault and told me this not uncommon. An acquaintance of ours that has 35 plus resuce mini donkey and horses is having health issues and desperately needs us to take them all. Our hay supplier called us today and said the company that they contact with to manage their 80 acres of hay fields has retired due to inability to get labor and wants us to take over their farm as they are in their 80s and not able to work. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comission called yesterday and asked how soon we could be ready for 6 camels, 2 zebra and a dozen alpaca. We just got home from meeting with a potential investor in Savanah and when he met my wife he said "all you people do is eat cats". My wife has 2 masters degrees and is working on a PhD at UF where she is the Librarian for the Architecture and Fine Arts Library. Our house was damaged hurricane Idelia and SBA will not help because we moved after the storm. My wife spent hours today hugging her OTTB crying because the system is so broken that she doesn't know if we can continue. She just started a hippotherapy and horticulture therapy programs for disabled veterans and children with special needs and want to give up because the "system" only caters to the entitled. The VA gave up on me but horses literally saved my life. Please help, advice, words of wisdom, prayers, anything.
I'm so sorry to hear all of this is happning to you and all at once. You have come so far building your dream. I have so enjoyed reading your victories building your farm. I'm sorry people are trying to knock you and your wife down. Sending many prayers for a positive outcome from all the negativity. You are doing good, great! People contacting you as you stated, is proof of that. You have a big heart filled with love. I pray HE will have the right people to come onto your path to help you. What you are doing with the farm is much needed.

Under THE BLESSING, God has promised to deal with our enemies. “The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face. This is THE BLESSING; this belongs to you. They will come against you one way but flee before you seven ways."
I am appalled at what you and your wife have been hit with, by beauracratic ineptitude and ignorant unfeeling people. Your stories have been inspiring, humorous, and hopeful. You are accepted as a safe haven for animals in need and good stewards of the land and its resources, as witnessed by your neighbors and Florida Fish and Wildlife.

When life seems to collapse around you lean hard into your faith. Prayers for you all. 🙏 Your zoo is a beautiful and, as HersheyMint says, much needed resource.

My husband, who is also a military veteran and has dealt with the VA system over the years, suggests getting a VFW, VA, or American Legion Representative. You may have done this - keep trying. As a vet, you may also be able to access legal aid through Veteran's Justice Outreach Specialists.
Oh bless. I know that it's incredibly difficult to see right now, but there is goodness coming. The universe is shifting to line up something really positive for you. I haven't a clue what it is. All I know is when something catastrophic changes for me, it's a hard shift that lines me up for wonderful things and I focus on being thankful for the goodness I'm ready to accept into my life. Try to embrace change and focus on gratitude, even if it's just for the air in your lungs and the love of your wife. You have that. More goodness will come.
Sometimes you just need to stop, hug a pony, take a breath, relax and realize that you can't fix everything all at once. We would like to ask if everyone would like, share and follow our social media, the links are on our website listed below. We have a volunteer that is a student studying social media marketing at the University of Florida! Thank you for everyone's support and kind words, it means a lot to us!
It has been over 7 months since we had to step back and focus on us and our animals. Last night we were hit with a second major hurricane In 53 days and the 4th one in 2 years. FEMA, SBA, USDA, banks and lenders have all declined help because we are a non-profit and 50% of our income is my disability from the VA. In the last few months we have taken in 48 animals and found them homes. Everything from reptiles, snakes, horses, pigs, and cats and all of them from county or national shelters that could not or would not house them. They are well funded with endowments, grants, government programs and donors. This has been emotionally and financially draining. Please support your local rescue, especially the small "mom and pop" 501c3s. If you would spread this message it would be greatly appreciated! If you can help go to our site at and hit the donate button. Thank you and we will provide updates.

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