For her first issue it looks like she did a great job, and the ads were awesome too. Looks more like a breed magazine then just a newsletter.
What, pray tell, makes it look like a breed magazine this time? Where are the breed specific articles? I had a chance this morning to take a quick look at it on line and didn't see anything too special. I don't know what others consider to be the difference between a magazine and a newsletter, but it didn't look all that different to me in the quick run through I gave it--I'd say it's just as much a newsletter as it ever has been (which matters not to me).
I've been told that the ads--all but a handful of them--are pick-ups from previous Journals. So, nothing remarkable there.
The articles appear to be re-cycled or taken from on-line sites, and reprints from Equine Disease Quarterly, Kentucky Equine Research and such are not breed specific....they do not make a breed magazine! Personally I would rather see one good article--an original article that has some real information in it--than multiple reprint and 'fluff' articles. If our advertising and membership dollars are going to pay for articles in the Journal then honestly--they should be GOOD articles. Like I said--give us one good article each issue, and never mind the others! ("Good article" to me means some real content, REAL information, not just something that skims the surface without telling anyone anything at all!)
Advertising--be prepared for some rate increases I think. On another board someone posted that she had talked with the new editor and had been told that advertising rates are going up, and going up a lot. Then a Director posted and said that so far there have been no increases, that any increase has to be decided on/approved by the BOD, and while an increase is likely, it cannot be a huge increase....I would question why the editor would even mention the amount of an increase when that is something that the BOD & not the editor has to decide on. I do hope that the Journal has a specific budget and that the editor will have to keep within that budget. If you're wanting to advertise and if you don't have deep pockets to pay whatever amount for that advertising I would suggest that you talk to your BOD members and make sure they are aware of your feelings on advertising rate increases.
Someone mentioned this new Journal is printed on heavier paper....remember that heavier paper (and more 'filler content') means a heavier publication which in turn means higher mailing costs. I for one don't wan't to see my membership fee increase because of increased mailing costs--especially if those increased mailing costs are due to heavier paper and a bunch of pointless filler articles.
Area news now is not not supposed to mention individual farms or specific horses, nor is it supposed to mention any shows that are already listed in the events section--so I guess that should mean no more show reports or info, no farm news, congratulations on new arrivals or new welcome to new owners....all the stuff that Area News has always covered is now a no-no. I'd rather read all that stuff than a bunch of articles I can read elsewhere on line!
If it comes down to an increase in membership fees to cover higher mailing costs, I will support the suggestion that the magazine should be separate from the membership. I would happily pay a smaller fee for my membership & never mind getting the Journal!