New machine sewer needs help please

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Silver City Heritage Farmstead

Can't stop now (formerly Dragons Wish Farm)
May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Raeford (Silver City) NC
Well....started a topic and lost it....grrrr!

Anyway, I've never learned to sew anything other than a button onto a shirt. I've lurked on this board enjoying the handcrafts, particularly quilts. I love quilts, with their rich history! Back to my purpose though. I was able to purchase a sewing machine from work last week for *ahem* $5.00. It started up when we plugged it in, so what better way for me to find out if I could like sewing than to start with this? It came with a few accessories but no owners' manual. So off to the library I went.

Here's where I need help!

My machine is a Morse, green over cream. It is a De Luxe Zig Zag.

Made in Taiwan stamped on machine, foot pedal made in Japan.

I can't find a model number.

Serial number is 1477. I found this on a plate underneath, where I expected to find the model.

The case/base has a ruler stamped into it on the side where the operator sits.

It has 30 stitches, a zig zag knob for length 0-5, and buttons up/down (1 each)

I've tried searching it. Ebay has quite a few (priced waaay more than mine!! :-0 ) but not one like it.

Can any of you super sewers point me to the right place to find out how to use and maintain my new treasure? Do I take it to Hobby Lobby and have them help me?

I checked out "The Sewing Machine Accessory Bible" by Wendy Gardiner & Lorna Knight so that I could learn some terminology. It was the only machine sewing book available.

Right now I'm just cleaning the dust and dirt off. I'll add pictures in the next day or two, I wanted to get this thread started! Christmas is coming, Secret Santa will be starting soon, and I'm bound and determined the Grinch won't get me this year! Everyone will be receiving something unique, made just for them with Morse's help I hope.

Thank you all for any help, advice and encouragement you can give,

Julie weighs a ton!! LOL
Here is a site that may have a manual for you.

You really need a manual to know about maintenance. If it was heavily used, you'll need to check the belt--that is probably the main thing that may need checking. Perhaps your local vo-tech, or even the Extension agent, may offer a basic sewing class. See if there is a local quilt guild; some member may offer a class.

My husband spent 3 days recently working on the machine of a 4H student. The belt was bad, which put the timing off, which caused the needle to clip the hook on the bobbin, which caused the tip of the bobbin hook to break off. Some early maintenance would have prevented a lot of trouble!

Sounds like you are planning to have some fun!
Thank you Marsha. Looks like you found the same link I did! LOL

I'm looking into the Ag Extension thing. Headed to local craft stores today to find seeing groups. I've learned (from the book ;-) ) that most of my accessories are different feet. I *think* that's good, as I imagine that might be the least universal thing, particularly on an older machine.

The local community college is offering some industrial machine classes as well, so I'll be looking into that option.

Thank you again!

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