Kassy bent the crate out of shape hurling herself at the door in a full blown temper tantrum at 61/2 weeks old- I was allowed to bring her home early as they were all fully weaned and her breeder said she knew me well enough to let her go- Ha!! she was just trying to get rid of her- when I got there they were chasing her round the garden with the sons brand new trainer in her mouth- she had been pick of the litter but the breeder changed to another one- and she had been my first choice so I got her!
That night I found out why she changed her mind.
IT SCREAMED, it whined it howled it did not stop, it head butted the crate and tipped it over.
Finally at 3am I marched it onto my pillow and told it the first pee on the bed and it was back in the crate.
Have you ANY idea how smug a Dobe pup can look??
8 years later it is still there- although I now have a six foot bed to accommodate it!
Sam the Oaf is fine, he killed a duck the other day and I was very cross with him- the trouble is he still thinks I am going to beat him when I get really cross and takes no notice when I am pretending to be cross- he is a hard dog to discipline.
I had the collar on him and Kass today as I had Kitty- who they actually tried to kill four weeks ago- with me.
They were as good as gold but Sam, again, is terrified of the collar- it has a beep only facility and I have only to beep it to reduce him to jelly.
Dobes are difficult dogs, there is no doubt about it.
I had just tonight Sam to stay on the other side of the gate when I went to see to the foals when Kassy taught him how to jump the six foot fence beside it- it is quite amazing to watch them sale over but hellsbells, I told them to STAY!!!
You have decided on Kasha, then??
Rhymes with Tasha??
I do like it but I like Keesha better so I will keep that for my next..........
There is NEVER going to be another puppy, NEVER