First of all I want to thank Judy for emailing me and telling me about this poor little herd of horses. Second I want to thank Bob and Tami Parrington for going with me to check on these horses and helping me transport them tomarrow night to get them out of the nightmare they are living in
Following Judys email we made an appt to go see the 5 horses for sale. First we were taken across the street where there is a caved in abandoned house and numerous old trucks and trash etc. The first horse we were shown was a very small black and white pinto tied to the dilapitated house (age approx 3 yrs no one knows). He was standing in a patch of poison ivy to eat. All the time we poked and prodded him he patiently stood with those big sad eyes. The owner showed us he had water and salt and explained to us how its great to have minis tied in weed patches and how much minis love that. Next he takes us around some more trash and tied ot an old truck is a sad looking little bay mare. Shes tied in the sun with no shade or water. We check her mouth she has a tooth growing oddly so probably cant chew. He says he never noticed. Shes sweating profusely which I guess is a good sign as at least she can sweat. Shes a bit thin and obviously malnourished like the little stallion and obviously wormy. She may or may not be in foal the owner doesnt know.=15 yrs old. Next we go around the the other side of the house and the older mares daughter is tied there in a big patch of weeds. She looks so sad standing there. He explains she lost her foal as she had it during winter. Again no water but at least she has shade approx age 11. He explains to us that once that eat down a weed patch he moves them to another.
We go back across the street and he agrees to show us the final horses. Tied to a shorter rope is a bigger pinto mare. She looks very in foal but no bag. He has no idea when or if she is due. She looks to be in a bit better shape but if shes in foal that could be hiding what her true condition is. Lastly we go in the barn to see a pinto stallion caged in an area of the barn. He is standing in approx 2 feet of manure. He looks a little better than the rest as hes fed hay and kept inside I imagine all the time. approx age 7
All of them are very wormy and all with the excepton of the barn stallion are tied to ropes as they have been all their life on this farm. I think the oldest mare is 15 so for 15 yrs she has lived tied. They all seem to be amazingly gentle and calm good natured horses. It broke all of our hearts as they would all follow you to the end of their ropes like they were begging to be taken away.
I will be taking them here to my farm tomarrow as we couldnt quite work it out to get them tonight. Im so haunted by all those sad eyes and I cannot wait to get there!! Its been a very emotional day to say the least. By 6 or 7 pm tomarrow night they will all be free of their ropes and have all the water they want and be fed something other than weeds. Please say a prayer that the older mare is okay she is the one i am really worried about. Ironically these horses were bought from a big farm here that was shut down years ago due to abuse and neglect so as my hubby says these horses have been abused and neglected since the day they were born. They have now come full circle.
If you know of anyone wanting to adopt a nice little mini and give them a loving home please have them contact me

Following Judys email we made an appt to go see the 5 horses for sale. First we were taken across the street where there is a caved in abandoned house and numerous old trucks and trash etc. The first horse we were shown was a very small black and white pinto tied to the dilapitated house (age approx 3 yrs no one knows). He was standing in a patch of poison ivy to eat. All the time we poked and prodded him he patiently stood with those big sad eyes. The owner showed us he had water and salt and explained to us how its great to have minis tied in weed patches and how much minis love that. Next he takes us around some more trash and tied ot an old truck is a sad looking little bay mare. Shes tied in the sun with no shade or water. We check her mouth she has a tooth growing oddly so probably cant chew. He says he never noticed. Shes sweating profusely which I guess is a good sign as at least she can sweat. Shes a bit thin and obviously malnourished like the little stallion and obviously wormy. She may or may not be in foal the owner doesnt know.=15 yrs old. Next we go around the the other side of the house and the older mares daughter is tied there in a big patch of weeds. She looks so sad standing there. He explains she lost her foal as she had it during winter. Again no water but at least she has shade approx age 11. He explains to us that once that eat down a weed patch he moves them to another.
We go back across the street and he agrees to show us the final horses. Tied to a shorter rope is a bigger pinto mare. She looks very in foal but no bag. He has no idea when or if she is due. She looks to be in a bit better shape but if shes in foal that could be hiding what her true condition is. Lastly we go in the barn to see a pinto stallion caged in an area of the barn. He is standing in approx 2 feet of manure. He looks a little better than the rest as hes fed hay and kept inside I imagine all the time. approx age 7
All of them are very wormy and all with the excepton of the barn stallion are tied to ropes as they have been all their life on this farm. I think the oldest mare is 15 so for 15 yrs she has lived tied. They all seem to be amazingly gentle and calm good natured horses. It broke all of our hearts as they would all follow you to the end of their ropes like they were begging to be taken away.
I will be taking them here to my farm tomarrow as we couldnt quite work it out to get them tonight. Im so haunted by all those sad eyes and I cannot wait to get there!! Its been a very emotional day to say the least. By 6 or 7 pm tomarrow night they will all be free of their ropes and have all the water they want and be fed something other than weeds. Please say a prayer that the older mare is okay she is the one i am really worried about. Ironically these horses were bought from a big farm here that was shut down years ago due to abuse and neglect so as my hubby says these horses have been abused and neglected since the day they were born. They have now come full circle.
If you know of anyone wanting to adopt a nice little mini and give them a loving home please have them contact me