Reijel's Mom
Well-Known Member
In the winter, we keep our hose in the basement so it doesn't freeze and I drag it out about every 2 weeks to fill the large stock tanks. We have plug heaters in the stock tanks.
You might check the tanks out. The smaller ones will save you alot of heavy buckets to haul, and they are not all that expensive for a smaller one. Mine is , I think,about 1 1/2-2 ft deep by about 4 ft long and about 2 1/2 ft wide. You can get one with a heater for less then $150.I too am lugging a bucket from the sink in the house to outside, although I think it may be unreasonable to ask my parents about getting a stock tank with a heater lol, we only have two horses and there's nowhere to put that!
I know a lady in Northern Ontario who has frozen water all the time and feeds carrots by the bag full in the winter months, so they are getting moisture that way.
If you wanted her e-mail to find out how she feeds, I could forward your mail to her.
Haven't tried it, and don't have to try it to know that it won't work in this climate!Get an old tire off the rim, and stuff it with rocks. Wedge a container (like a large bucket) in the hole in the tire and put the water in there. The black tire will absorb the light from the sun during the day and heat the rocks within the tire The rocks will radiate the warmth enough to keep the water from freezing.