I have been lurking here, afraid to post since I do not know how to post pics. I have a mini bought in January, possibly in foal, supposedly 6 mos along. She had her foal two weeks ago tonight. The birth went OK, she chose the dirt corral rather than the straw filled stall attached, but did it just as dusk so I was there for it. I was surprised that she was passing stool along with the contractions, but I got towels under her. Baby had a hard time finding the grocery bag. I thought maybe he was a dummy when he was sucking the walls and blindly rambling. When we tried to show him, Daisy became fierce keeping us away. She was licking him so hard instead of herding him to the bag. I finally realized she was colicing and in pain about nine or so. PANICKED me. But I have banamine on hand. She was thrashing so much there was no way to get it IV, and I had read here not to give it IM. THANK YOU to the Auntie I had read here that you gave it into the mouth. I had to guess on the dose so gave a very scant 1cc to start. And it worked. I just left her alone after that to work out how to nurse.
he passed all the other hurdles, but never seems to nurse for even a minute. his belly seems round and he has energy. Lately he has been passing hard stool and tonight he was really straining and acting colicy. So I gave him what I found as a "baby"enema- too small an amount- and the nozzle size was the same as the adult fleets I had. So I gave him several small enemas. His stools were REALLY HARD and big, but he passed a good amount til they were small grape size. he finally got up and woo-hoo'd around the pen, running and bucking.
So , obviously he is very dehydrated, so I think I need to get some more fluids in him. In the morning I plan to go get some nipples and bottles. So AUNTIES, help me find the right kind for a mini. Any and all advice appreciated for what to give him to get him to suckle a bottle. I am thinking of starting with milking the mare and bottle feeding her milk ,1) since he never gets much, and 2)it's what he's used to drinking.
He does drink water on his own. We are in southern AZ, in a drought with winds and dust storms that look like the dust bowl days in the thirties.
Sorry about the book. Love this forum.
he passed all the other hurdles, but never seems to nurse for even a minute. his belly seems round and he has energy. Lately he has been passing hard stool and tonight he was really straining and acting colicy. So I gave him what I found as a "baby"enema- too small an amount- and the nozzle size was the same as the adult fleets I had. So I gave him several small enemas. His stools were REALLY HARD and big, but he passed a good amount til they were small grape size. he finally got up and woo-hoo'd around the pen, running and bucking.
So , obviously he is very dehydrated, so I think I need to get some more fluids in him. In the morning I plan to go get some nipples and bottles. So AUNTIES, help me find the right kind for a mini. Any and all advice appreciated for what to give him to get him to suckle a bottle. I am thinking of starting with milking the mare and bottle feeding her milk ,1) since he never gets much, and 2)it's what he's used to drinking.
He does drink water on his own. We are in southern AZ, in a drought with winds and dust storms that look like the dust bowl days in the thirties.
Sorry about the book. Love this forum.