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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
Just wanted to remind zombie lovers that The Walking Dead returns tomorrow. YAY! I can't wait!
I have been watching the reruns of seasons 1 & 2. Didn't start watching this show until about week 4 of season 3. I have alot of catching up to do. To us this is one of the best shows on tv. Love the story lines, actors and dialogs. Very well done. This show has gotten me interested in the whole zombie, etc. mood.
Then there is me, sorry but I don't care for Walking Dead, although hubby watches it faithfully, I only watch bits and pieces, just not my thing.
Aww, my mom doesn't care much for the show either. I love it but we live in the middle of nowhere with open desert infront of our property. It's pitch black by our gate at night time, so my mind always gets the best of me and I always imagine scary things making their way towards me when I have to open the gate. Lol.

Truthfully, I'm not as happy about the direction the show has taken this season. Not going to say too much because I don't want to give too much away for those who aren't caught up, but I hate the governor and the focus being taken away from Rick's group.
They just need something besides walkers to fight. I do think they need to show more groups of survivors, join up and show that people can survive the bad times as well as the good. Right now there are more men than women, and have you noticed the only one that needs a haircut/shave has been Carl?
I love zombie movies/shows, and I've been getting into reading zombie books too. With so many different scenarios on how zombie apocolypses get started, do you think that a real one could ever be possible? (Real question! I'm not trying to be goofy.)

Or maybe not actual walking dead people who try to eat people, but maybe rabid-ish people (The Crazies, 28 Days Later) who can infect others through bites?

I think it could be possible, especially if it is a military experiment gone wrong type of thing. If dogs can go crazy and turn on their humans, why couldn't people do it too? Especially when you hear of people turning cannibalistic because of things like BathSalts. Could you imagine a stronger, more permanent kind leaking into our water supply that could be transported through saliva or blood?

Your thoughts?
Really the best on tv, I go to work on Monday with a smile because I'm so "up" in my mood. Kanoas you have good questions, you never know when someone is using you for an experiment. Not knowing would be the hard part to deal with. My question about twd is the opening of the show has birds feasting on the dead, you would think that would effect the birds as in something like west nile disease. That would give the whole zombie another area like the movie "the birds"
Oh man, you just touched on my biggest animal fear! I have never been a bird person. In fact, I didn't even want chickens but when faced with my little peepers going to the pound, I brought them home instead. Now I love my girls (not too keen on my spawn-of-satan rooster though).

On a daily basis, I will have tons of doves, sparrows, ravens, quail, or startlings right outside my sliding glass door. In the last three years I have almost had three sparrows and a falcon fly into me (missed by mere inches), a hawk nearly drop a dead pigeon type bird on my head, and a raven fling a dead rabbit at me. Birds are not my friend!

But that is a good point. The birds, dogs, or any other animal that eats from the contaminated, should also become a threat you'd think.
I am SO (SO x lots of numbers!) trying to get my Dad to give this show a try. I know he'll be hooked if he just watches the first episode. Seriously, I'm thinking that I may suggest a "family movie night" for me to go over there and get him to watch it... My mom, too, if she will. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the first episodes again. I'm a JUNKY when it comes to this show. How much is enough -- a little bit MORE!
I have even asked my co workers if they watch! In my area some guy has a contest on who can shoot the most squirrels! I keep watching seasons 1 and 2 over again. I think one of my favorite scenes is when Deryl falls down the cliff and has a "moment" with his brother. Overall, this show is the greatest. I read the comments on the wtd websites and facebook page and can't understand why those fans don't like the direction the show is going in and think its boring. Keep trying to interest your parents in this show. I'm 64 and love it.
I don't like how they focused more on the town and Governor. I like the original group and following them through their struggles. It felt to me like they didn't really know what else to do with Rick's group, and added the town to fill in the bare spots.

So Jill, do you think it's possible?
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I don't know. H has been reading the comics (I gave him the collections for Christmas), that the show is actually "based on" (they don't all match up, the the comics long pre-date the show). The Woodbury town is featured prominently in the comics. But then other important things aren't in the comics at all, as I understand it -- like Darrel and Merrell (sp?!?). I liked this week's episode better than last weeks, but then also felt that we got spoiled with some really exciting episodes there right before the mid-season break.
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I meant the other question.
About five posts back, I asked if you guys thought the zombie thing was possible in real life.
Doh! I missed the boat on what you were asking...

Realistically, no, I don't think zombies like in the Walking Dead could happen... but as I watch the show, I have no problem with anything feeling unreal. It all feels possible when I'm watching it. AAlso some of the novels I've read have made it feel completely believable.

Then think about something like rabies... that kind of turns living mammals into zombie-like creatures!

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