I got a new horse last night at the sale. Miniatures are bringing almost as much, and sometimes more, than big horses. His coggins says bucksin, but I'm thinking he is silver dapple, because of the mane/tail color and some masking on his face. A little boy was riding him with a saddle. The owner sold him because the boy needs a bigger horse. He said he was sure he would pull for me. I've brushed him good and washed his tail with Selsun Blue, cleaned his feet, and clipped his bridle path. Spritzed with fly spray, and washed his face. So far no kicking, nipping, or anything crazy. Not even any squealing between he and DD between the fence. Needs his feet done badly and I'm sure he needs deworming. But he is a good weight and seems like a good boy. I'm going to contact AMHA tomorrow and find out if it might be possible to track down his relatives with dna. Time will tell if I spent my money well.