The puppy pics are gorgeous Renee, glad Izzy seems a bit more settled this morning, I was really worried for you last night.
Oooop's Britt is certainly moving fast, but try not to panic, maybe she will follow the up, down, up down programme that seems to be the 'in' thing this year?
Hi Parmela - does your post mean that you are still there or safely home? Sorry but I seem to have lost several days over the past week somehow, so not even sure when you went away or are due back. But never mind - I just cant wait for the pictures!
That video is so sweet Renee, I had forgotton how 'pushy' ******* can be with their puppies LOL!! I now remember watching my girls and thinking how I wished they would just leave the pups to drink peacefully and not keep whipping them over, pushing them around, cleaning them up! LOL!!
So how are the other girls looking today - has Britt calmed down a little, udder wise?