Linda, I think if you can stick to the plan on eating healthy all week and allow yourself one day to do whatever, then it would likely work best for you. You sound like your eating habits are much like mine. I am fussy, so really don;t like a lot of pasta and anything even remotely spicy is out of the question, so don't do "ethnic" either. We live 33 miles out in the country, so I don;t have easy access to junk food and fast food. I have found I do best in trying to just make better (healthier) food selections. I am the type of person that could eat and eat and eat, hungry or not, and sweets, fresh baking and high carbs etc....well, you get the picture!
I can do fairly well here at home when I have lots of healthy stuff to eat...salads, fruits, veggies. I don;t even limit myself on those things. It may run up the calories, but at least they are healthier choices than cooking up a pot of home fries, or a pan of side pork, or a batch of my favorite cookies. If I want to munch just for the sake of eating, even if not hungry, I grab a few radishes, or strawberries or a handfull of grapes, cherries, a plum etc. I know it's still wrong to eat out of boredom, but I am thinking it is going to happen for me anyway, so might as well make the best of it and eat the "healthier" foods when doing it. I did not even walk once last week, so my weight loss was due soley to diet, and no, I did not starve myself, and I did eat several things I shouldn;t have, but if that is what gets me (personally) through each week, then I will go with what works. I need to wean myself back into eating more sensibly again after I tossed it all to the wond last Fall. Yes, even this has been hard, but I guess when it comes to food, I am a real rebel...if they say don;t eat it, I MUST eat it!
This way at least allows me to eat what I want, in moderation and only after really thinking over my choices before I actually eat it. Sometimes I tell myself "no, you don't need it", and I pass on it....other times I say to heck with it, and eat it anyway knowing it is a bad choice. It's just doing that balancing act that can be tough...just can;t give in to those choices too often. Have to stay sort of strong! I just simply cannot or will not deny myself of what I want to eat or it really drives at my mind!
am not saying that this will work for you or anyone else, but this is what I have found works for me, because then I am truely not miserable for not being able to eat "the good stuff".