shorthorsemom: are you doing the WW + online or with a local group? I only want to lose 18 lbs. But I just go up and down between 1-4 lbs. I'M STUCK!!
The excercise thing is the hard part to get in for me. With my job and trying to get the housework done the horses even don't get worked, let alone me. Any suggestions? How costly is joining WW? Thanks for the help in advance.
My work has a sponsored weight watchers program and they give you half the money back if you attend 80% of the meetings. I know lots of people weight watchers on line too because you can get recipes and have access to tons of information. This points plus plan is TOTALLY different from the old weight watchers plan. It cost me $186 and I will attend meetings until fall and get half back from my work, but even without the money back I would have joined... I seriously never had a diet work before. It is more like teaching you how to eat healthy and proper than a real diet in my opinion because you can eat treats as long as you calculate them in.
They recommend power foods that are more filling for less points... You can eat 5 cups of microwave popcorn as long as it is the 94% fat free one for only a point. for example. Choose movie popcorn and you can eat very little for the same point.
. The money seemed like nothing when I started losing the weight... I have battled my weight all my life, yo yo losing and steadily gaining until I just felt so defeated. I hit the "over 50 spread" and thought I had to look that way because I had no control over it. With weight watchers you also get money back if you achieve your goal weight and become a "lifetime" member where you just need to stay within 2 lbs of your goal weight and weigh in monthly.
The new plan sets high points on the bad stuff, low or zero points on the good stuff. They tell you to eat what you want, but be sure to count the points on everything so if you really want that piece of bread, count it in and it will balance if you count the points to 29 a day. Most people get 29 points to start for example.
Fruit and veggies are FREE points if they aren't in sause or sugared, in their "whole state". Lean meat for example is about a point an ounce. Bread is higher, but you can still eat it, just have to count it. I used to starve myself on a diet and I didn't know my body shut down and stored fat and and as I ate less and less I gained more and more. Something scientific about the 29 as a magic number because I am eating more than I usually do, just healthier... I feel satisfied and losing steadily since I started. I never cheat on the program, but then I wanted fast results.
You get 45 extra points to use during the week for special occasions or if you go over your 29 but I never dip into the 45 personally. Maybe after I lose more...
I put on a pedometer and noticed if I kept my steps over 12,000 steps a day I lost faster. I don't work out, but I do walk and make sure every day is over 12,000 steps. I found that at work if I used the bathroom down the hall it was 400 steps back and forth one trip. At lunch I go to the cafeteria farthest from my desk.. I take laps around the kitchen while cooking. I don't walk it all at once, but rather just keep moving around during the day, I don't have time to work out, this is working for me.
On this program, you will steadily lose weight if you follow it even without exercise, walking is a bonus and gets faster results, but you will lose if you don't feel like exercising, just slower.
It takes some people longer than others to lose, but everybody that truly follows it seems to lose weight from my observation. Be strict on the diet and exercise and you lose faster, follow it any way in their guidelines and you will lose weight. I saw a woman lose 40lbs in a year!.
You can buy a calculator from them that you can use to calculate points of your packaged foods. I bought the food scale too, but I am a scientist and attacking this diet like a science experiement apeals to me so I weigh my portions too.
I have my miniature horses to thank for my motivation. I have a short driving boy. I had a meadowbrook and I watched him struggle to pull me up hills. I bought a lighter cart and went on a diet. My boy rips in the cart now.
Try weight watchers plus if you can afford it..., you will like it. I fix a fruit smoothie almost every day... it only costs 4 points, it has yogurt, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches and all kinds of frozen treats in it. It only costs me the points of the zero fat yogurt. Everything else is zero. very yummy. best wishes.