Pictures from the Oklahoma Ice Storm. These are taken of our house

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Wow, very impressive pictures! Glad you all are okay and hope you are able to get things back in order before long.

Wow, thanks for putting things in perspective. I was just whining about our 45 inch plus snow in 5 days with two blizzards... Your photos make me feel lucky!!. Hey that last photo is amazing, an award winner for sure. You could sell that one. All of them are good, but the last one really made me say wow. Hope you get some relief soon.
That is INSANE!!!!!
are all the horse kids sleeping in sleeping bags in your family room? No really is everyone warm enough? do you need horse Blankets?

Krissy, you are sweet. Trust me when I tell you, our horses are better off than we were. They ALL have their own stalls with 6" of shavings in an insulated barn(s). My house was at 28* and falling, the barns were at a cozy 35* plus they all had on heavy winter blankets. We were blowing smoke in the house the air was so cold. Our power is flickering, we are getting a heavy snow right now. The line men are still repairing lines. We are hoping that is why they are flickering....Thanks to all who prayed for everyone in this nasty storm. There are still about 2000 homes without power...
Our power went out around 7:05 PM. It was a curcuit (sp) and they had it fixed in an hour and our power is back on.

We got that snow too. It wasn't too bad.

I know what you mean Theresa, our house was 28 degrees too and we had no heat (no gas or wood fire) I was in the house 24 hrs a day in that cold and I really suffered! We are 6 miles from you?

Things are getting better now though!!!
Our power went out around 7:05 PM. It was a curcuit (sp) and they had it fixed in an hour and our power is back on.
We got that snow too. It wasn't too bad.

I know what you mean Theresa, our house was 28 degrees too and we had no heat (no gas or wood fire) I was in the house 24 hrs a day in that cold and I really suffered! We are 6 miles from you?

Things are getting better now though!!!
Hi Sister!!!

6.4 miles....Nowadays when the power flickers, my heart skips a beat! Thank goodness you now have power, I am sooooooo happy you are finally warm again! We got 6" of snow today. I can't say it enough or loud enough, WHERE IS SUMMER!!!! AND THE SUN!!!!!! I have had enough as I am sure you have. I am ready for our BBQ's and your Enchilada's!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM When it warms up enough for me to get out....I'll be by, we need to catch up and girl talk. And I need a little black colt fix.. But you have probably sold him by now
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Girl, I hear you! I've had enough of this Winter!!!!

We were sitting here and the lights went on off about 15 times then stayed off and let me tell you, Karrel started cussing! He said can't we just have ONE freaking nice happy day? He had gotten off early and was able to fix the broken pipe (one of them) so we have HOUSE WATER!! We had been 14 days without house water!!!!

We called the power co and they said it would be fixed soon, and it was within an hour.

I just want to FINALLY be able to wash my hair!!!

I'd be proud to make you more Mexican food!

Oh heck no! Poopy is still here!
He is still TINY and is now thinking he is Mr stud muffin and is a character! When he was wet, I saw what a NICE colt he is under all that hair! Come on Spring! I'm dying to clip him! When it warms up and this deep sucky mud clears up, you'll have to come visit all the babies again! And give me another of your Sister hugs!

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