Wow...This is neat!
Was in a car accident, rollover in high school, scared the crap out of me, I wan't driving and thankfully no one was hurt.
My dad and grandparents were kidnapped and held at gunpoint, along with a state trooper by escaped convicts in the 80's they tied them all up face down on the bed at my grandparents farm, and stole their car, thankfully no one was hurt, they cut the phone lines, and my dad got loose and went to the neighbors to call for help. Scared them & us to death!
Fell off a hay trailer, and almost got ran over, my brother saved my life.
Was Homecoming Queen Senior year.
Got married to my high school sweatheart, ended in divorce....Looking back Thank god!!!LOL Was pregnant, but miscarried.
Went to Arizona for 1 week on a round trip plane ticket from a man I had met once on a blind date!LOL CRAZY!!
Went to the Cayman Islands for 10 days!!!! COOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Met the man of my dreams, he raised exotic animals, we got married, we had tigers, baboons, lions, bears, you name it!!!!
Still married to the man of my dreams!!!!
No longer raise the exotics, but now we have miniature horses, donkeys, llamas, etc.
Had a beautiful little girl, being pregnant with her and giving birth was a once in a lifetime experience!!!!!!!! ........ at 18 months old found out she had cancer, fought for a year to save her life, After chemo, surgery, radiation, stem cell transplant and monoclonal antibodies.....................She is now 7 1/2 and very healthy!!!!!!!!!!That is one experience I can say made us all grow closer, but hope that was a once in a lifetime experience, cause I don't think I could handle that again! Also rode in a helicopter for the first time, but under the circumstances it wasn't much fun/Life flight.
Had to endure many funerals of children we had become very close with in the hospital with my daughter, being on the same hospital floor the parents all were there for each other, supporting, comforting.......Watching parents who became our friends, along side of us fight for their children's lives and see there babies not make it, to have to comfort them when they are holding their babies in their arms for the last time....OMG that was a lifetime experience, the saddest one.
I can't imagine having to say that final goodbye.....I thank god each and everyday that I didn't have to say goodbye to my child.
Delivering foals, has got to be one of the highlights of my life, each one is something special!!!
Had to be the one to tell my mom her brother had died unexpectantly, due to drowning at the lake, she was out of town and I had to call her and tell her, that is the one of the most heart wrenching things I had to do.
So many good and bad lifetime experiences, so many more to come....hopefully more good than bad!!!!