Opinion on Devil's Claw for

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2005
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I've read in John Lyon's magazine about a mixture that includes Devil's Claw (some sort of herb) as a pain medication instead of bute. Has anyone heard or know anything about this concoxtion and the affect of it on minis?

Asking because I believe using bute caused or fuled an ulcer in my 7 mo. old filly. I haven't heard too much better about banamine.
I had bought an expensive $80 bottle of it a few yrs ago and in reading the label, it said not for bred mares. I ended up giving it to a friend to use, I don't recall what her opinion was. But it's not for bred mares, it didn't say it in the book, just on the label.
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Yes DO NOT get it anywhere NEAR pregnant mares, even the residue in a bucket can cause them to abort. That much I DO know about it.

I have heard it works okay for things like arthritis. I'm not sure it's for pain, I think it's an anti-inflamatory and works on the joints??? I would just search online for more information.

I have used it with good results, but, if you read the label, you still don't want to use it on horses with ulcers as well as bred mares. What are you using it for? There are alternative pain meds for arthritis if that's what you need.
smlotsocats said:
I have used it with good results, but, if you read the label, you still don't want to use it on horses with ulcers as well as bred mares.   What are you using it for?  There are alternative pain meds for arthritis if that's what you need.

The vet gave my filly a does of bute after treating her for an eye problem because she was grinding her teeth. The ulcer may have already started because of the distress of her eye hurting but the bute made it so bad (after 3 days) that she stopped eating and had to be tubed in case it was colic not just an ulcer.

Now that she's on gastroguard she's getting better. (Hindsight is great!)
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I know several people who have tried Devil's Claw instead of bute; some had decent results, while others had no results at all. If I remember correctly, your horse was on .50 mg. of bute 2x/day, correct? Just to compare, the horse that I had on bute was prescribed .25 mg per day (once per day). My personal opinion after looking into Devil's Claw: it's not something that I would try on my horses.

Glad to hear to Gastroguard is helping!

Liz R.

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