Our country continues to suffer no matter WHICH

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vickie gee

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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No matter which party's candidate wins presidential races, Democrats (Liberals) or Republicans (Conservatives) our country continues to spiral downhill like a big ole snowball. If our parties are so different, why is this happening? Why does our country continue to suffer more and more?

HOW DID WE GET HERE? Opinions and facts welcome, as always.
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I know this as well as you do. But lets see who wants to give it a go.

In theory, America's government is supposed to be "of the people, by the people, for the people." While this concept rang true in early America, and many individuals still trust in it, the last century has seen the reality of power increasingly shift from the people to an establishment rooted in ________________.

We might be waiting for the cows to come home
Bb so I say let's jumpstart this with a fill-in-the-blank in order to get some participation. Hint: It ends in "ing" and it is a structural building.
No matter which party's candidate wins presidential races, Democrats (Liberals) or Republicans (Conservatives) our country continues to spiral downhill like a big ole snowball. If our parties are so different, why is this happening? Why does our country continue to suffer more and more?

HOW DID WE GET HERE? Opinions and facts welcome, as always.
The two parties aren't as different as they pretend to be and as most think! Perhaps a few individual exceptions, but for the most part, same same!
....and that is pretty much why we are, where we are, today!
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Yes Miss Sonya,

So if they are more alike than not, what logical extrapolations can we arrive at. What behaviors become brutally apparent between the two (supposed) sides, if the two parties are more alike than not? Just getting to this obvious truth is not achievable unless one is objectively and brutally honest with themselves first. THEN the scales fall away and truth is laid out before you.

I'm sure that I only speak with the other sequestered folk who bother to come to this somewhat hidden page, but if I can wake up one, perhaps they will awaken others. Oops perhaps I've let a cat outa the bag........

Thanks for your time,

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The oath of office and the solemn pledge taken by guv officials to the Constitution has become totally abused. Great minds created a handbook for a free and successful nation. They swear the oath and proceed to disregard. "So help me God." Not Allah, not Venus, but their Creator. The consequences of disregarding our Constitution and Bill of Rights has caught up with us and realistically we are still a young nation. The henhouse is overran with foxes. The burden We are placing on the shoulders our children and future generations is not only politically reprehensible, it is morally despicable. Do these corrupt politicians think they are going to spend their bribe money in he!!? Congress, Presidents, federal judges and other office holders YOU swore to stand firmly behind the entirety of the documents you are obligated to uphold.

Little known Preamble to the Bill of Rights makes it clear:

"The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers,that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should not be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution."

And "the 10th":

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to States respectively, or to the people."

Hello. Seems We are not following the rule book. Egregiously ignoring I might add. How do our officials explain the widespread circumventing of their solemn oaths? They don't bother to since all they have to do is count on the people's lack of familiarity with the Constitution's provisions and treat it as a relic of the past while We engage in battles of blue and red picking our candidates as we would our genre of music. I may have had a life long infatuation with Kris Kristofferson but that does mean I would want him to be my President. America, We had better wise up, grow up, and stand up. If not, we are going to morph into a third world country while the elites sit back and laugh about the wealth they created from our gullibility and lack of knowledge.

Ok, so back to the 10th. Is anyone besides most assuredly Carriage familiar with the legacy of John Marshall?
"The powers not delegated"......... Interesting string o words, what?

The 10th IS the key. But,.......... It must at all times be accompanied by first the second and then the first...... For without the second you have no means of securing the first. And without the first you have no means of demanding your God given rights be meticulously observed. And for the collectivist minded in the shadows, I don't just secure mine, but yours as well. You see, if mine are taken, so are yours. If yours are taken so are mine. The 10th Puts the final nail in the coffin as to whom controls whom. The 10th clearly shows that it is the States, meaning We the People.

Madison among others expounds on this truth in the anti-federalist papers.

But I'm interested in Marshal, Are you telling me that a chain store had something to do with the 10th amendment? I had no idea that Marshals was that old....... Please do tell,
In my opinion there are too many in office,locally,state and nationally with big egos and their own agenda.So many elected officials are not willing to compromise.Saw a show a while ago with most of the female national elected officials who were discussing an issue.That group gathered and had a rather quick solution to the problem at hand.Can't remember what they were discussing.I feel that women are better at compromise since the big egos are not as often involved.For many males compromise is looked on as defeat.IMO this country's leaders have strayed VERY FAR away from the Constitution and its intentions as written by our forefathers.I think most of them would be very disappointed in what is going on in the USA today.
Chain store? No. Marksman with dead aim is a better description since he blew a hole in the Constitution. Or maybe a magician, because he certainly turned the Constitution on its head with a single word as Supreme Court Chief Justice. Strict Constitutionalist reputed to be, at least. Yeah, my left hind leg.
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Oh, THAT Marshal....................
Seems th' feller yer talking about was alot like another Marshal in history. This Marshal, feller o th' name George Catlet, is THE cause and reason for China's descent into Communism. It's enough for one to dislike the Marshal name.......

K', it's settled. No more servants named Marshal.

That is a major accomplishment by George. Maybe he should have gotten a prize. Oh wait, just read that he did.
Ya know Miss Vickie,

Seeing as how we have been seated at the kids table or shut into the back room like a crazy Uncle when company comes, we could just encourage each other by email. It doesn't matter how polite we try to be at all times, truth will be hated by the majority. It was interesting how this board (back porch) was founded. I realized it was a quarantine move pretty early on. Politics is the same wherever it is found.

Ah well, thankfully I have much to keep me busy. Hope you have a great day and beyond, if I'm booted.

Aughh, Bb the place is in need of you. You booted? Never, you are too polite. But I do enjoy your emails since you are able to speak frankly and are happy to give honest answers. If you don't show up from time to time we are going to have to obtain a defibrillator for the porch. Well, I am really busy as well but I do check my email about once a week or so. Meanwhile have been enjoying JBS literature.
Bb, I always enjoy reading your educated comments. A compliment from you on a posting is awesome and treasured. If you were ever booted I think that would be the time I would bow out. Keep writing, you do reach folks even in this sequestered area. Agreed, you are the most polite and direct person, a wonderful combination and nobody would delete that.

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Am grateful for these responses Mom and Miss Vickie. I too am still learning. The "insidious evil" that Kennedy warned us about has done a marvelous job at hiding it's tracks for all but the most diligent of researchers. BUT the trail is still there thanks to the tireless work of great men and women over the years. They continued even though treated horribly and maligned.

The frustration comes when one lucidly realizes that most will choose to remain in slavery and FIGHT to the death to maintain that slavery. One accused me once of calling folk stupid. How do you politely tell them, "Well yes, but that can be changed ya know"....... There being a gigantic difference between ignorance and willful ignorance. And, bringing this all down to the Kitchen table as ol Chuck Harder was fond of saying....

It is the above that is why our country is the same no matter WHICH banker controlled party is "in charge". You can blame the fox all you want but if your hen house has a perpetual Welcome sign on it and you do nothing to keep the foxes out, then it's not really the foxes fault because (jumping species) THAT IS WHAT WOLVES DO. The ticker is that this stupidity causes the rest of us to have to in some form travel the same slave trail and trashes Individual Liberty. Slaves are incapable of taking anything back, they only give up more of what God intended for them to be.

It has been so interesting to watch the fascists in waiting (repub.) trot one feller after another, (well and fer the guys a couple of "cute" chicks), ALL of them with significant issue's and skeletons. It's almost like they say "how bout this one?" and then those who run the history report on the posited beat the living crap outa them with their own record causing the machine to go and try another failure. And the socialist only have the one for now, but oh my word, REALLY? Yet the slaves will take the candy bribe and dutifully vote against "their own best interest", and MINE. They aren't even bully enough to come in person and try to take anything from me and do so personally. No these cowards always hide behind brutes doing their dirty work. The Swatification of America is one prime example. I am unbelievably grateful for my future and eternal home where these and this will not be present.

Perhaps the quarantine thing can be advantageous. Folk must first FIND it and then decide to come here personally. Could it be that doing so will bring more customers vs tire kickers. Efficiency wise, this could be a good thing.

I also did research into JBS many years ago. I have moved beyond them significantly and there "may" be truth to them also being part of the controlled opposition. They sure got pretty one sided on their coverage of Pinochet, years ago. But then they accurately debunked "the massacre at Rasac(sp?)" that led us into the Kosovo "war". Their was no massacre and it was done at the behest and for a "greater Albania" which is PRECISELY what has happened. In the end, be careful of any material from anywhere and tune and use your OWN B.S. meter.

Thanks for your time,


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