Well-Known Member
My Husband and our family are very fortunate to not rely on the auto industry for income and to own our own home free and clear. The only problem is that our home is in the city limits and I keep our minis on my property out of town with the big horses boarded at the fairgrounds. Although this is a small town and the minis are only a mile to the west and the fairgrounds a mile to the north - it is just not very convenient.
As most of you know the economy in Michigan is just horrible and the number of foreclosed properties is very high. We have been looking for a while now, but between my Husband and I we are picky about what we want. Following are the top four requirements:
1. I have to have at least 2 acres, but prefer more.
2. We wanted off a main road but had to be within one mile of a state road so Hubby can bring the semi home.
3. We must be able to pay cash for it.
4. We both love old farm houses and prefer one to all the modulars that are available.
We found one we loved about two months ago - it actually started as a joke because the listing price was so low. Of course the place needs to be gutted and there are some barns that are coming down but we just got the call and our ridiculously low offer was accepted!!!!!!!! (They had it listed for $39,900 but we got it for 16,500)
There is so much potential with this place and my horses will be in my back yard and I love it!!!!
I know this probably doesn't make any sense but I am so happy!!
.... shoot can't post pics cause photobucket is down - but will soon.