We also have a few peahens, though thankfully no peacocks. I Can't Stand the noise the males make... (Shudder!) We were also adopted by our two peahens, it started out as a mommy peahen (Momma P) and she then had three little peachicks, all but one got eaten by something :no: , I think a hawk, so the last remaining chick was named Lucky. :lol: She just kinda showed up one day and never left.
Turns out she's also a girl, (thank heavens!) and they just kinda hang out at our farm all day. They like to mak rounds in the Am and Pm by horses grain buckets that are feed outside to see what's left, and they also pick through poo.
: They like to sit on in our indoor washracks when it's raining out, and I did collect them during last years hurricane and bring them into the barn.
: I know I am a sucker.
I really like them hanging out, as Geese said, they are very good about letting me know whats going on, and I think they are just neat.
The best is when they go into my nursery paddocks though, the foals always hunt and chase them, and try to jump on them, it's great!