Morning everyone.
I have been doing checks on Peanut since early morning, I just been a bit busy to do postings as well.
So much to catch up on once again!
Loved the video of Sonny, he really does enjoy himself doessn't he? Yes, something needs to be done about those shafts, they need to run 'close' to his sides, so I' glad you are trying to have a word with Bennington to see what they suggest.
Have done a long post on Cassie's thread about Suzie's breathing and feeding - as usual I got carried away! LOL!! Still hope you can understand it Cassie and I hope it helps a bit. And no, Cassie is NOT carrying a breach foal so STOP worrying (I'm a good one to talk, I PANIC at the slightest thing!) Oh and Cassie, sorry I haven't seen/answered your e-mail, I must get round to viewing my mail each day like I used to - I spend too much of my computer time here with Peanut and Cassie! LOL!!
Now Heidi, I think I'm about to make myself more unpopular by what I'm about to say - but please remember that it is just my opinion. You are to be concratulated on how well you look after Peanut and your other animals, and I really admire you for it.
BUT you have to remember that Peanut is heavily pregnant and not too far off having this foal (we hope!). She is feeling fat and fed up (ask any woman in the same position, and ask any husband about how his wife reacted to the same feeling), and while I agree that bad behaviour should not be encouraged/allowed, you have to allow some leeway and try to work with PN to avoid putting her in a position where she feels she just has to say 'oh just go away and leave me alone!'
You haven't foaled her before have you? Maybe she is always like this at the last stage of pregnancy? The fact that she gets fed up with her beloved 'scratches' tells me she simply doesn't want any more 'fussing over' right now. Yes of course you have to feed her and keep her stable clean, so yes be careful and take precautions when you are in there. I also suppose that if the weather is that hot then a cool QUICK shower might make her feel better, but leave off with the brushing and fiddling etc. a bit of dirt in her beautiful coat/mane/and now tail wont hurt!
You may also have to face the fact that for several days she will not want/allow you near the foal (very hard for you I know coz you will be wanting to fuss/love/groom/bath/clip it as soon as it is born. LOL!! - I jest of course, but you get the idea?) NOW is the time (and hopefully you have some time left) to convince PN that all you will be doing is the basic feeding and cleaning her stable, you are NOT going to be fiddling with her at all while you are in there with her (blow the milk tests and peering at her back end) thereby hopefully convincing her that you wont be interferring once she has the foal. Once the foal is here, you can easily do the stable work after she and the foal are out in the field and there will be no need to keep the droppings picked up during the night - you will be fast asleep anyway! LOL!!
I'm sure that after a few days, maybe a week, our sweet Peanut will return to you, probably trying to apologise for her behaviour and thanking you for being so understanding.

I have been doing checks on Peanut since early morning, I just been a bit busy to do postings as well.
So much to catch up on once again!
Loved the video of Sonny, he really does enjoy himself doessn't he? Yes, something needs to be done about those shafts, they need to run 'close' to his sides, so I' glad you are trying to have a word with Bennington to see what they suggest.
Have done a long post on Cassie's thread about Suzie's breathing and feeding - as usual I got carried away! LOL!! Still hope you can understand it Cassie and I hope it helps a bit. And no, Cassie is NOT carrying a breach foal so STOP worrying (I'm a good one to talk, I PANIC at the slightest thing!) Oh and Cassie, sorry I haven't seen/answered your e-mail, I must get round to viewing my mail each day like I used to - I spend too much of my computer time here with Peanut and Cassie! LOL!!
Now Heidi, I think I'm about to make myself more unpopular by what I'm about to say - but please remember that it is just my opinion. You are to be concratulated on how well you look after Peanut and your other animals, and I really admire you for it.

BUT you have to remember that Peanut is heavily pregnant and not too far off having this foal (we hope!). She is feeling fat and fed up (ask any woman in the same position, and ask any husband about how his wife reacted to the same feeling), and while I agree that bad behaviour should not be encouraged/allowed, you have to allow some leeway and try to work with PN to avoid putting her in a position where she feels she just has to say 'oh just go away and leave me alone!'
You haven't foaled her before have you? Maybe she is always like this at the last stage of pregnancy? The fact that she gets fed up with her beloved 'scratches' tells me she simply doesn't want any more 'fussing over' right now. Yes of course you have to feed her and keep her stable clean, so yes be careful and take precautions when you are in there. I also suppose that if the weather is that hot then a cool QUICK shower might make her feel better, but leave off with the brushing and fiddling etc. a bit of dirt in her beautiful coat/mane/and now tail wont hurt!
You may also have to face the fact that for several days she will not want/allow you near the foal (very hard for you I know coz you will be wanting to fuss/love/groom/bath/clip it as soon as it is born. LOL!! - I jest of course, but you get the idea?) NOW is the time (and hopefully you have some time left) to convince PN that all you will be doing is the basic feeding and cleaning her stable, you are NOT going to be fiddling with her at all while you are in there with her (blow the milk tests and peering at her back end) thereby hopefully convincing her that you wont be interferring once she has the foal. Once the foal is here, you can easily do the stable work after she and the foal are out in the field and there will be no need to keep the droppings picked up during the night - you will be fast asleep anyway! LOL!!
I'm sure that after a few days, maybe a week, our sweet Peanut will return to you, probably trying to apologise for her behaviour and thanking you for being so understanding.