Peanut Blessed me with a

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Karina,Oh will ya lookie at that facey!! How adorable is that last picture...too cute!!

What!! no picture of what your wee one left in the diaper Megan

I wanted so bad to wave at the camera and just put my crossed fingers right up in front of you all!!and wink

Journalist? think Cassie is going to write a better story. She was very very nice but just uuu and aaaa so cute so cute...I finally had to say....we need to talk softly. it was a little like a bull in a china shop...Im wanting her to be calm and shes right there snapping pictures. :arg! Peanut was fine and never once did she try to eat her...PN actually followed her around the stall looking for a scratch and Im trying to tell her...not to close her ears..opps maybe thats not such a good spot. All in all it went ok. She wanted to get a picture w/the dogs so that people could compare size but I said no way...none of that so I reluctantly got in a couple pictures just so they could see her size.

Now this girl is also writing the story...I have no idea what will be said as she really didnt say much or ask much other than "shes so cute I want to take her home"!! Never wrote anything down so who the heck knows...maybe she was taping but Im not sure..never saw a tape player. We went and saw the other horses who had just been having a grand old time in the wet dirt. Marty is going to kill me b/c she loved nick
and took lots of pictures of him and he was a mess,dirt,pine needles,leaves, you name it it was in his mane...I didnt expect her till later so I didnt even have a chance to brush any one and they all looked rather beastly after todays rain.

She did comment on my little blue horse necklace from Diane so maybe she will mention that but really....I cant imagine this being anything more than a photo in the paper.

Anna, isnt it great, Quahog is doing so good...I was so worried when I saw the vets name on the phone I almost didnt answer..glad I did now.

Well back to the rock star...Im here now and will be for the day/ you think I should let her out under supervision for a bit or just let her stay in and hope she gets down to business, Thanks
Your not the only one forgetting things I forgot to say it too. Thats wonderful news about Quahog, so delighted for you
Oh Meagan I just hate those chocolate nappies. With 4 kids I have done my fair share of washing and cleaning
Heidi, if I was you and the weather is ok, I would let PN out for a while. Even if it is only an hour, she will have the chance of a relaxed wander, a roll or just the feeling of freedom (since she came in early). She's been such a good girl today, she deserves a little out time.

I'm off to bed too, but will be around again early morning, so catch you all then.

Nite nite all.
Boy do I feel good.

I took a nap after the reporter left.

I was soooooooo tired.

I think I held my breath all the while she was she was in the stall.

Peanut was such a good girl.

She had on her company manners.

"Look at me and how sweet and snuggly I'm being to this perfect stranger

in my birthing suite."

Yeah, you can wish but don't have any wild expectations of the news reporting.

Had lots of experience with that and horses.

Worst one was when they called our Arab/Running QH cross a

Running Quarterback.

Yes! And it wasn't the first article they'd done on him. Geez....

I'll be in good shape for the swing shift.

Karina, that photo of Abby couldn't be any cuter.
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Ok I am now loosing the plot but I am addicted to my camera.

Took a few shots of Tilly today although she was tired so not up a whole lot.

I hope you are not too bored of all my photos and video (its a sickness and I am VERY sick




Oh and Sunset over Ballyhannon

Oh my, if PN baby looks anything like Tilly I would be a very happy camper...what a doll baby she dont look sick LOL

O.K. Hubby just got home and Im going to bed for a few hours he has promised to watch and pay close attention to details. I will let the ladies on MS know as well but if I dont post for a bit you know why. He will bring PN in by dark or if it starts to rain. Please let this be the last night we get to see Peanuts big you better look now!!

Back in a bit
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Someone will have to let Peanut know she can't get more famous then this!

Nice to know she was on her good manners for the person.
Beautiful pictures, Karina

Get some beauty sleep, Heidi!

We are
Can you believe this girl...What the heck!! Of course now i worry and wonder why was she up and down this morning outside. Today is just a regular ole day of watching. Skiff said she hasnt even laid down yet and she was never down once she was put back in her stall. Will do a milk test before skiff heads of to bed. I just read a little on Cassies thread sounds perhaps like shes making a dash for the finish line
Well let me go pull up her cam too.
Sleepy time for me. Be back in the morning for Peanut and Suzie watch. My belly and head aren't too happy with me for some reason so hope they settle in the night.
Peanut just went down!!
come one girl, I will forgive you if you get baby of the month....

hope your feeling better soon Megan!!

did you have a good rest Heidi??
Hi Cassie, did you see that little happy look. Yes it did drop a little. It wasnt at the very lightest color which would be 6.0 but was lighter than the normal if there is such a thing i would guess about 6.2

Megan I hope you feel better...I swear some nights I get the worst headache just from staring at this screen. I cant imagine poor diane and having her feet feel the way they do sometimes too. Cassie did you find the concert tickets Suzi went out and got for you last night? What a little stinker...wonder what goes thru their heads as they just go meandering away...not a care in the world.
Thats so exciting Heidi!!! YAY! its progress and heading in the right direction!! no I didn't find them... maybe she swallowed them, hmmm sneaky girl... better check her poops better LOL

we will keep a close eye on your girl Heidi!!

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