Percheron Stallion

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2005
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The Great North West
I am consitering breeding my Arabian mare, Velvet, to this Percheron stallion. He is 16.2 and 1,500 Lb. He is 14 years old and has only bred non Percherons except for this year. He has 2 PB Percheron foals due in June. (the mares are out side mares) Anyway, Henry is lighter than most Percheron stallions and that is why the Perch people don't like him much, but the light horse people do. I like him too and so does my vet. My vet said he would cross well with Velvet. She said that ALL of Henry's foals have wonderful personalitys. Even one of her assistants has 2 henry babies. One out of a QH mare and one out of a TB mare. So, I am thinking I want a Henry baby too. It would be a keeper foal as I have sold my "Hot" half Andalusian filly out of Velvet. I want a biger boned, taller quiet horse for my self. So, here are his pictures.






Hmm that sure doesnt look like a 16.2 hand horse to me granted I am used to large horses 17 hand+ but even still the mare looks way taller then he does and she doesnt look that large either
Ha Ha! That's funny! I will add another picture for you. I have seen this stallion twice and he looks 17+ in real life!

Velvet is only 14.3! Poor girl. Her last boyfriend was 17h!!


Is this better??
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What a beautiful match. That first picture of the stallion and the second of Velvet are gorgeous! I can't wait to see this baby.
Not only do I love him AND he has a perfect manner and great personality, but he is only 10 miles away and they do on site AI AND his stud fee is only .....$400!!!

I don't see how I can loose! Also, when the foal is 4 and old enouigh to be ridden, Velvet will be 17. My son will be 8 and old enough to take over Velvet if he wants to. I will have my quiet trail horse and Loren can have the wild woman!!
I don't see how you could go wrong with that cross. Any resulting foal would be a wonderful ride!
I used to ride a Percheron mare, and you really just can't beat them for disposition.

A woman who stabled at the same barn with me had a 1/2 arabian 1/2 percheron mare who inherited the substance and quiet disposition of the percheron and the elegance of the Arabian. It was a great cross. Had I kept my Percheron, I would have considered breeding her to an Arabian.
No, not me, not with a mare like that not ever, no. OK????

Why on earth would you not put her to a really good Arabian? Why would you put her to a second rate Perch?? Oh Dear, NO!!!! I am all of a quiver here, I can tell you. If you do not want to breed Arabs from that mare send her over here and I'll go back to doing it.

Oh, and what could you lose??

You could lose the mare, that's what.

What size are his foals is the ONLY question I would ask.

It has nothing to do with his height, by the way, I have done far greater height differences than that.

Sorry, he does nothing for me, and the mare gives me shivers she is so nice.

If you have to cross her with another breed, and it has to be a heavyweight, pick one that is the very epitome of everything he should be.

rabbitsfizz said:
No, not me, not with a mare like that not ever, no.  OK????
Why on earth would you not put her to a really good Arabian?  Why would you put her to a second rate Perch??  Oh Dear, NO!!!!  I am all of a quiver here, I can tell you.  If you do not want to breed Arabs from that mare send her over here and I'll go back to doing it.

Oh, and what could you lose??

You could lose the mare, that's what.

What size are his foals is the ONLY question I would ask.

It has nothing to do with his height, by the way, I have done far greater height differences than that.

Sorry, he does nothing for me, and the mare gives me shivers she is so nice.

If you have to cross her with another breed, and it has to be a heavyweight, pick one that is the very epitome of everything he should be.



Why on earth would you not put her to a really good Arabian?

Because the foal is for me, not for sale and I don’t want another hot horse. I also want something with more bone and substance, wide chest and round croup. AND there are NO good Arabian stallion in my area and I would rather not spend a small fortune on AI for a foal I could not sell for the cost of the AI + Stud fee. I can always breed Velvet to a PB Arabian many times, but I don’t want to do it now.

Why would you put her to a second rate Perch??

Because he is a light body type for a Perch, very local, I have met him a few times and I LOVE his personality, I have seen several of his foals, (in person and in pictures) and they are wonderful. Some are doing well in the show ring and some are doing well in hunter paces.

What size are his foals is the ONLY question I would ask.I asked that same question, as I worry about that too. The owner showed me pictures of some of his half Arabian foals and said they were small like Velvet. One was only 14.1h. They were beautiful foals! They looked like Cleveland Bays with pretty heads. I also talked to my vet about it. She just happens to know Henry (The stud) and said that he would be a good cross for Velvet. She loves Henry’s personality and the fact that he is a light Perch makes him a good cross with lighter mares. My vet’s assistant has 2 Henry foals. One is out of a QH mare and the other out of a TB mare. Both are under saddle and very brave, obedient, quiet and willing as well as forward. Everything I want in my next horse.

You could lose the mare

No matter what, I could loose my mare. Birthing is a risk in it’s self.

If you do not want to breed Arabs from that mare send her over here and I'll go back to doing it.

No, you can’t have her.

If you have to cross her with another breed, and it has to be a heavyweight, pick one that is the very epitome of everything he should be.

I would LOVE to do that, but there is NOTHING local and I don’t want to ship AI again. I have done it 3 times, and I would rather not. The 3rd time resulted in me running out of money and still having no foal.

I could buy a foal, but there are few that I could afford that I would even consider here in NH and I would end up paying $1,000 just to have the foal shipped out to me from where ever. I would have not seen the parents of the foal, or the foal it’s self. At least with Henry and breeding Velvet, I have a good idea of what I am going to get.


Thanks for the input though.

And NO you still can’t have Velvet!
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No, I would not do it either... I know of one gelding that is the reason why not.
His sire is the most awsomely beautiful Arabian I have seen in a long time, and his dam is a very nice, heavy draft-cross. (not even as large as this Perch stallion you show here) Well, honey, let me tell you...all the cards ended up in the wrong place with this mis-matched pair, and the same could happen you you.
There are worse things than spending more money, and looking further down the road.

This gelding has the draft head, arab neck, draft shoulders, very large, sprung ribs, and arab butt. The legs go forever, but the knees and hocks are HUGE...and out-of-place. have those huge clunky draft feet, dangling on the ends on arab pasturns. Plus...the thing's an idiot, and can't be trained...8 years old and you can barely lead it; nothing like either of it's parents. Go figure.

OH please...don't do this...
I am sure I didn't see every foal, but he has sired 8 foal crops and several of them were at the farm where Henry was. Also, the owner pulled out a BIG photo album of his get. I didn't see any de-formed looking horses in the bunch. All were very nice and in proportion. IF I do breed Velvet to him, I will take what ever I get and deal with it. I am not worried. I am not breeding her for a money horse, I am breeding her for a personal horse. I am not taking anything away from Velvet either. She can always be bred to "Mister Perfect" later on down the road. Velvet is 12 so it is not like if I breed her to Henry, that's it, I can't breed her ever again to anything else. I am not into breeding a million horses or having foals for sale. I just want a Velvet baby replacement for my self. If I were breeding for a money horse I would not even glance at Henry. If I bred Velvet to him, and it was a junker, well, that's life and I would deal with it. I won't be making a final decision until June or July anway, so if something better comes up by then, well good.
rabbitsfizz said:
  Why would you put her to a second rate Perch??If you have to cross her with another breed, and it has to be a heavyweight, pick one that is the very epitome of everything he should be.



I guess that is it he really just doesnt look like i would expect a 17 hand perch to look - not in size, weight or bone

But of course it is your horse and with any cross especially mixing breeds be it dogs horses or whatever it can go great and get a wonderful cross or you can get pieces of each that really dont and shouldnt go togther

but good luck with whatever you decide
WOW I didnt know you lived in NH! Thats awesome so do I.

Anyway back to the topic. I think if your looking for a trail horse for you, go for it. Of course you could lose the mare but thats a risk anytime you have a pregnant mare. All I can say is good luck. From what you said you want for a horse this looks like a good enough pair to me.
NOPE-NOT GOING TO WORK! You can just send her my way-its not going to

I LOVE arabs! There is pretty stallion just close to me and WHAT a Beauty he is!

The site isnt working right now or I would show it to you!

Sounds like you have done all your research, and have found a stallion you really like! I say, GO FOR IT! They both are very pretty, I can't wait to see the resulting foal! It outta be something very cute!
~Palomino~ said:
NOPE-NOT GOING TO WORK!  You can just send her my way-its not going to
I LOVE arabs!  There is  pretty stallion just close to me and WHAT a Beauty he is!

The site isnt working right now or I would show it to you!



OK, what's your address. I'll ship her out to you!
at the farm i go to, mr/mario has a feind named francisco and he has a pure arabian stud, a white one too!

i wnat dibs on her too!!!

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