Pictures from the Oklahoma Ice Storm. These are taken of our house

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rockin r

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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We finally got power back to our house yesterday. I was afraid to see the damage left from the Ice Storm. We have months of cleanup ahead of us..It will take years for our place to look like it did before the storm. 99% of our beautiful old Elm and Oak trees are destroyed. At least we are okay, horses are okay. Studs were shaken up from the tree falling on their barn, but they seem ok now. Art, myself and our 3 dogs lived in my HHR (car) for 4 days till a grader came thru and cleared the poles and trees for us to get out. NEVER have we been in something so catasrophic and devestating. By Sunday afternoon we were beginning to think we might not get out and freeze to death in my car. Did alot of soul searching in that time. When the Electric Crews got to our house and asked if we were ok, I felt like I was seeing things. Felt like Tom Hanks on Castaway seeing a boat pass in the distance. They helped us get out to the main highway. Cried as we left our horses and home behind... Art drove back and forth everyday 2x a day to care for the horses. He had to carry ID to get in and out. There was a 9pm curfew on our town. It was just too dangerous to travel at night. When the transformers started hitting the ground it shook the whole house. Felts someone dropping bombs on us. These pics are from Fri/Sat and Sunday as we were leaving. I have never been soooooo scared in my life, I could even see in Art's eyes he was afraid we would not get out in time. We are out in the middle of nowhere, no one to help us. As I was coming to work this am, I stopped and gave the Electric Crews gallons of coffee and crumbs cakes. Gave them our # said if any of them needed a hot meal, place to sleep or whatever they needed, our home was open to them. Told the Foreman that because of them we had a warm home and hot food. It was the very least that we could do, Thanked them all with hugs and tears. A few of them are coming to dinner tonight. Yankee Pot roast and ALL the fixins to go with it.....God Bless them. To those who are still in that dark...I pray for you daily...

My stud barn is under those trees.


My house is under these trees


Our driveway gate


The road in front of our house


The road in front of our house, our only way out...







The pole in front of our house


Art in the tree that is on the Stud barn

Holy crap! What a mess!!!

I'm SO glad you got your power back on!!!

All this added stress on you and Art was not needed.

You tell Art to PLEASE be careful cleaning that up!!

I know (trust me) how horrible this is/has been, but I thank God that you and your babies are ok!


They haven't shown any of this on the news!! Is that because they can't get in to see it for themselves? What a total disaster. I feel so bad for all of you. And again, I really had no idea how bad it was. Thank you for posting the pictures so the reality of it all can be seen. I'm sure it's way more devastating when you're there in person and it's YOUR home under all those trees. Hugs to all of you who are affected.

So sad.
Oh, Sign me up. I wnat to drive under all of those trees and over the power lines. Pick me Pick me. NOT.

That is just scarry. I hope everyone is well and they clean that mess up soon. Were you without power from the downed lines? I just don't think I would be driving anywhere until THAT STUFF MELTED.
OMG it's definitely a whole lot worse than it was around here 2 years ago. I'm so glad you and Art are ok and I need to say thank you for showing your appreciation to the linemen. My SIL is recuperating from spinal surgery or I'm sure he would be there too. People have no idea the hours they put in, the dangers they face and the inconveniences they live with while they're working outages. Anyway Theresa thank you for inviting these guys into your home for a hot meal. It's possible they are (or have been) sleeping in their trucks.
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Those pics are great Theresa! So glad and happy for you that you are able to be back in your home and warm.

We are still without power at my house, but the local towns have power again so any day now.

It sure looked alot prettier where you are because of the snow. Here it was ice only. Now mud only. LOL
Parmela, they've not showed much of this in our news either. I've been having to look thru world news, CNN and the likes to get bits and pieces. I've seen REO's photos and now Theresa's and am so glad that they're ok considering how much ice is there and how many trees and such are down. It looks like the ice age has taken over!
What a wonderful story you posted! You should save all of this for the future........... Your photos almost made me CRY.

I am so glad you are "digging out"...... Bless those crew men for the hours they put it........Yes, they get paid overtime, etc, but it's hard work and risky to boot.
I've seen some nasty ice storms here in Illinois, but *NEVER* anything CLOSE to that!!! The St. Louis news never even mentioned you were having ice storms! I'm so glad you are okay.
Always nice to see a post from you, Rockin R - BUT I'm so sad that you all are facing yet another HUGE challenge in your lives. Prayers, prayers, and prayers for you all.
I am sure that ALL Prayers are welcome for everyone in the path of this storm, Thank you from all of us. Art and I are doing well. We will get thru this I am sure of that. Reijels Mom, Yes, we have had a very trying last 16 months. But we have our home, each other and the support of many people. I am not on here near as much as I used to be. Most of you know why. I went to see REO today, what a mess they have on their hands. Robin and I hugged for a long time, many months since I have been to see her. She was shaken by my appearance, but I reassured her I was okay and that I am at peace. I pray they will get their power back very soon. It is very cold at night. Another snow storm is coming Monday am 4" to 8" of snow and some ice and then possibly another Thur. I asked her and Karrell to over for a good hot meal, and to stay but they refused. Karrell said they have a gas grill and eat hot meals every night. Art is going to take them a few 50 gallon drums to fill at the fire station with water. It troubles me that they won't ask for help or take it when offered. I feel guilty that we have heat and sooooooooooo many still do not. I wish someone could flip a switch and everyone would have power. Two Linemen came for diner, offered for them to stay, but they have a hotel room. Did us good to give so little back for soooo much they have given. Sent back all the left overs to the others. The bitter cold has been hard on Dreamer, but she is a trooper, takes her joint meds like a good girl..Well, I am off of here. This whole ordeal has wore me out. Julie, Erika, Wee Okie, Marsha, Mary, Davie, REO and the other forum members I just can't remember at the moment, know that you are in my prayers, and I am sending warm and cozy thoughts your way....REO wrap your Sister Wrap around you that I made for you and remember that it is me that is wrapping my arms around you keeping you warm.....Blessings to everyone....

You take care of yourself. Think about you a lot. Stay warm and safe.

Hugs to you and all the others who are suffering through this awful weather - we might be having a colder and rainier winter than usual, but I am go glad I live here in Florida. Will definitely be glad when spring comes for everyone.

You take care of yourself. Think about you a lot. Stay warm and safe.

Hugs to you and all the others who are suffering through this awful weather - we might be having a colder and rainier winter than usual, but I am go glad I live here in Florida. Will definitely be glad when spring comes for everyone.

We are doing okay. I for one want to SKIP Spring and go right into summer!! A Winter Storm is coming tonight!! 6" or more of heavy snow expected!!! We are Soooooooooooo Very Excited! NOT!!!!! More coming Tuesday and Thurday.....Geezzzzzzz...I do miss the Florida weather.
Wish you were here - it's chilly, but sun looks like it may pop through for a while. I sure hope so. Haven't had much sun for a week or so.

Wow, what a mess, you poor guys!! Amazing pictures!
That is so unreal. I just can't imagine how frightened you all were. I would have been going nuts thinking about my animals. I am so glad you have your power back on and sending prayers for the strength to get the clean up done. you will be in my thoughts Theresa and Art.

I am so thankful that you and Art and all your animals are ok through that mess. Boy you really cannot imagine the devastation until you see the photos. I'm so sorry that you are having to contend with this now.

I have never seen anything like that! We don't get that kind of weather here in Australia. Those photos really do show the devastation. How can something so 'beautiful' be so 'ugly'?
That is INSANE!!!!!
are all the horse kids sleeping in sleeping bags in your family room?

No really is everyone warm enough? do you need horse Blankets?

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