Platform Feed

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Platform Feeds is now an AMHA sponsor. When I won the Gelding Incentive Fund golf cart it had four bags of Platform Feed, Miniature Horse and Pony in it. I haven't used any of it yet nor read the ingredients. The bags are buried under some things in the motorhome and I haven't unloaded it yet.

Does anyone feed Platform and, if so, what do you think of it?

My closest dealer is atleast an hour away.
I was one of the test farms for the new formula and I LOVE
: it !!!

My horses look great on it. Their coats are shiney. Their energy levels are awesome. Fantastic hoof quality (biotin in the feed). Even my weanlings don't have that big weanling "hay belly" look. Filled out in all the right has just the right balance of nutrients, fats, roughage (it is NOT a complete feed but it does have some beet pulp in it). Almost no corn (I hate corn for minis). And little if no molasses. So it will not mold. I was getting a 3 month supply at a time -- stored it in a dry area and never have a mold issue. You can't do that with a product that is held together with molasses.

It is milled by Purina for Farnam so each pellet is precisely the same in balance as the next one. So your horses won't be picking out certain kernels and leaving others.

I keep a scale in my barn and precisely measure the ration I give each (except for the broodmares who are fed as a group at the feed bunks). However, one of my mares who did not have a foal this year is a little on the porky side - so I bring her in while the others are getting their ration....she gets only a couple ounces. Another mare that was "nursed down" by her baby -- I'm bringing her in and giving her a larger ration than the big group.

And now that the trial is over -- YES -- I do plan on keeping my horses on the formula. It's great!
I just started using it a couple weeks ago so I can't really tell a difference yet. Plus my horses will all be sold by mid-November so I probably won't get to see the results. But I will say....they love it, even better than grain.
I am wanting to try it and cannot find any dealer within 50 miles that has even heard of it.

I have tried 2 of our local dealers, TSC, and State Line Tack. No Luck, they say they can't even order

: Suggestions?
Here is the website for it Platform feed

it has a "dealer locater" button, try that and see if you can find a supplier close to you! I plan to try it as well.
Good luck!
If you dont have a purina dealer in your area or Farnum ....

you might want to see if you can get the Nutrena Lite Balance
I started to use it about a month ago and can see a difference in the horses that we have it on. My yearling Shetland has a much better top line and coat and our weanings from this year look much better. It took them a week to get use to the taste from the sweet feed that they were on . Even when I mixed it at first they ate the sweet feed and left the Platform feed then about 3 days they were eating it all and are now on just Platform I will continue to use this product. Love it.
: I wrote th company and made sure th Tractor Suppy by our house 20 miles away carried this product.
Our feed guy is a Purina dealer and is ordering some for us and Misty Rose to try. I was impressed by the ingredients so decided to give it a try.
I am wanting to try it and cannot find any dealer within 50 miles that has even heard of it.

I have tried 2 of our local dealers, TSC, and State Line Tack. No Luck, they say they can't even order

: Suggestions?
A lot of the smaller feed dealers will not have heard of it -- so if you can find one that stocks Purina products (it's developed by Farnam but milled by Purina), ask them to get it for you -- chances are once they learn about it and they realize there is a demand for it -- they'll keep it on hand...or would special order a month or two supply for you if you ask.

I have to say - I like it better than ANY of the products I've tried so far. When Farnam was in the "thinking" stage - they held forums and discussion groups with a number of breeders, show people etc. to see what they were using, supplementing with, etc.

While I was on the trial - I did NOT supplement with any vitamins or minerals except to provide a trace mineral salt block for all horses. And I have to say I couldn't be happier with the results. So many people will add a dash of this and a smidgen of that to their feed rations because they just weren't happy with the results. In the past, I did too. I can honestly say since being on this feed (started in February 06) I have done away with all of the extras that I was purchasing and the results are great.

Want to see the results? Just take a look at the pictures on my website that were taken by Jodie. All of those horses were on the program since February and NONE of them were on any kind of exercise regimen (just didn't have time this year with still getting settled in my new place).
If you can't find it, check with your local Tractor Supply Co.

Just about every Tractor Supply in this state has it
I actually have talked with Tractor Supply and the Purina Dealer about getting

it or even ordering and they said they couldn't do it.. So then I asked the

Purina Dealer about Lite Balance and they don't carry that either...

I was so frustrated, I quit asking as this was about a month ago, maybe

I need to try again....
I am wanting to try it and cannot find any dealer within 50 miles that has even heard of it.

I have tried 2 of our local dealers, TSC, and State Line Tack. No Luck, they say they can't even order

: Suggestions?
A lot of the smaller feed dealers will not have heard of it -- so if you can find one that stocks Purina products (it's developed by Farnam but milled by Purina), ask them to get it for you -- chances are once they learn about it and they realize there is a demand for it -- they'll keep it on hand...or would special order a month or two supply for you if you ask.

I have to say - I like it better than ANY of the products I've tried so far. When Farnam was in the "thinking" stage - they held forums and discussion groups with a number of breeders, show people etc. to see what they were using, supplementing with, etc.

While I was on the trial - I did NOT supplement with any vitamins or minerals except to provide a trace mineral salt block for all horses. And I have to say I couldn't be happier with the results. So many people will add a dash of this and a smidgen of that to their feed rations because they just weren't happy with the results. In the past, I did too. I can honestly say since being on this feed (started in February 06) I have done away with all of the extras that I was purchasing and the results are great.

Want to see the results? Just take a look at the pictures on my website that were taken by Jodie. All of those horses were on the program since February and NONE of them were on any kind of exercise regimen (just didn't have time this year with still getting settled in my new place).
Pam why do you NOt give your mins any corn just wondering if i am doing something wrong
If you dont have a purina dealer in your area or Farnum might want to see if you can get the Nutrena Lite Balance
Are you saying that the Platform Mini/Pony is roughly the same as the Lite Balance? I am feeding Lite Balance right now and don't really care for it. I would like to try the Mini/Pony but no one around here carries it either (at least as far as I know). Instead I was considering Nutrena Empower. What are your suggestions on that?

Erin :bgrin
Pam why do you NOt give your mins any corn just wondering if i am doing something wrong


I do not like corn for Minis for a number of reasons. It is empty calories. VERY little food value. It puts USELESS fat on them in all the wrong places, and it tends to make the sack thicker, making it harder for those foals to break out on their own.

A trained animal nutritionist (my brother) once told me that the only thing corn is good for is animals that are intended to be fattened for slaughter...such as beef and hogs. I firmly believe that he is right.
My husband got a broshure from World, read it and it made sense.

We switched a week ago to Platform and stay with it. Horses like it and I truly believe they look not so chubby even it can't be in this short time. I get it at Tractor Supply just 5 min from my house which is another good thing.

Hi, I just started my two on this about 2 weeks ago.. They really do seem to like it. How long does it take to notice any difference? They seem shinier, but winter whoolies are coming in. Just wonderig about how long it does take?? They seem me coming with it and they both starting whinning, and bobbing their heads -- so I think they love it...
corn also harbors a mold that is toxic to horses. wont hurt cows at all but could kill a horse. Heres a short article on it. Problem is you cant see the mold with the human eye. I read an article once where it predicted that like 60 percent of all corn has this mold in some degree. Im like Jean corn is just empty calories and doesnt do a thing for horses

MYCOTOXINS ARE produced by molds. These can be beneficial agents such as penicillin, however, most requests for information on mycotoxins refer to those mycotoxins in feedstuffs that are harmful to horses. Some of the more commonly occurring clinical signs of mycotoxicosis that sporadically occur in feeds of horses are summarized below.

Equine Leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM, moldy corn disease, fumonisin toxicosis)

The fusarium mold produces the mycotoxin fumonisin. It is associated with feeding corn containing fumonisin, hence the name moldy corn disease. Poorly stored corn and drought stressed corn cause an increase incidence and need for awareness for the prevalence of this mycotoxicosis. The incidence of fusarium problems increased a couple of years ago when corn was in short supply. The problems were most associated with use of corn screenings.

When other mold probems such as aflatoxins are heightened, feed companies should test corn used in horse feeds through use of on site tests and laboratory analysis. Problems can occur without obvious visual mold growth.

The Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (OADDL) at OSU tests for fumonisin. Clinically, the toxicosis results in blind staggers (ataxia) and other observable signs of neurological degradation, and most often results in death. Treatment includes 1) preventative measures to decrease potential of ingestion, i.e. feeding non-corn based grains, 2) ensuring testing procedures are in place at feed suppliers, especially in times corn supplies are short, lengthy storage times or following high moisture harvesting, and 3) feeding fresh, non-moldy grain and hay. There is no specific antidote for the toxin, therapy is primarily supportive.
I just started using this feed a few days ago. I started the geldings on it first and they love it. I also like it because it contains the beet pulp so no more soaking beet pulp (oh, how I hated this)

I have a lactating mare and 2 month old foal that I would like to eventually get on it, but wondered if it would supply them with the needed protein. The feeding instructions state that you should feed an increased amount , to broodmares and growing foals, but I don't understand how it could possibly supply the needed protein. They are presently eating a 17% mare and foal feed, and Platform is only 12% , what makes up for the missing 5% ???

I 'd love to hear more feedback from those of you that have experience with this product.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that my feed store didn't carry it, but he special ordered 1 bag for me and had it in a few days. Might have something to do with have a Purina plant in our area.
After trying and feeding safe choice, I looked at my horses that were on it. While it works great for my Riding horses, my Miniatures did not look so hot to me.

When my feed store finally got it in, I got to be the test farm for them in the area. I want to say after just 2 weeks I already saw an improvement, and now after a month im hooked! the horses look great! I even like the idea the pellets are smaller for them. :bgrin

I had one horse who seemed to have no energy on the safe choice, now on the platform when i go to feed hes out in his paddock bucking, kicking, and playing. feeling good the way he should be.

I know with the safe choice i was paying around $10-11 a bag, Im now paying $14.99 a bag and think its money well spent.


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