Platform Feed

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I was one of the test farms for the new formula and I LOVE
: it !!!

My horses look great on it. Their coats are shiney. Their energy levels are awesome. Fantastic hoof quality (biotin in the feed). Even my weanlings don't have that big weanling "hay belly" look. Filled out in all the right has just the right balance of nutrients, fats, roughage (it is NOT a complete feed but it does have some beet pulp in it). Almost no corn (I hate corn for minis). And little if no molasses. So it will not mold. I was getting a 3 month supply at a time -- stored it in a dry area and never have a mold issue. You can't do that with a product that is held together with molasses.

It is milled by Purina for Farnam so each pellet is precisely the same in balance as the next one. So your horses won't be picking out certain kernels and leaving others.

I keep a scale in my barn and precisely measure the ration I give each (except for the broodmares who are fed as a group at the feed bunks). However, one of my mares who did not have a foal this year is a little on the porky side - so I bring her in while the others are getting their ration....she gets only a couple ounces. Another mare that was "nursed down" by her baby -- I'm bringing her in and giving her a larger ration than the big group.

And now that the trial is over -- YES -- I do plan on keeping my horses on the formula. It's great!
Hi Jean_B,

I was wondering if you could tell me more about what you mean when you say it is no a 'complete' feed? Do you mean just grass hay in addition? Thanks so much for any info. Our local feed store is carrying it and asked me if I'd like to try it out.

Since this is so new, does anyone know if the Purina dealers in Ontario are carrying this yet?
If you dont have a purina dealer in your area or Farnum might want to see if you can get the Nutrena Lite Balance
Are you saying that the Platform Mini/Pony is roughly the same as the Lite Balance? I am feeding Lite Balance right now and don't really care for it. I would like to try the Mini/Pony but no one around here carries it either (at least as far as I know). Instead I was considering Nutrena Empower. What are your suggestions on that?

Erin :bgrin
Well if your horses dont really need to lose weight i would feed safe choice not the lite balance. Lite balance is for those horses that gain weight on air and allows them to get a meal(more then a bite) without putting on weight.

I feed both the safe choice and lite balance right now.

Empower is not a feed itis a supplement VERY high in fat great for coats great boost for those hard keepers as well.

My horses were getting anywhere from 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup a day I am very pleased with the product but again my understanding is it is a supplement not a feed

As far as the Platform feed I just glanced at the tag at nationals but am wondering how it is different then Strategy? guess I will need to look at tags and see how much beet pulp this platform has .. I personally wont give up feeding my soaked beet pulp and no need to give them a beet pulp based feed in addition I guess...I will go look it up and see

So many choices and really no one feed works for everyone what one loves another doesnt sure is enough to make you crazy
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I just started using the Platform 2 weeks ago and still have 5 of my horses on Purina Born to Win ( I still have 2 bags so will finish it out on those five and all goes well with the Platform will store it.). I measured all my horses for weight calculation and are feeding them accordingly.. 3/4 lb to 1 lb. per 150 lbs horse weight. My horses love it mainly because they get fed in the morning and at night in lieu of just the BTW in the evening..they also get more than twice as much of the Platform. One thing I find is that they aren't flying out of the barn and eating all their hay as fast as they were..also I do believe that I am seeing a coat difference sort of a "bloom" in their color which I had previously noticed when I switched to the BTW. I would like to ask JeanB if you are giving them loose minerals in addition like I did per Purina advice (Purina 12:12)with the Born to Win or if they had you just use the Platform alone. I am also worried about the protein difference for the Broodmare..late term and lactating and foals..With the Born to Win you switched to Omolene 300 last trimester and for lactating mares and foals. How did they address those issues with you while you were on trial?

My Tractor Supply originally said they weren't going to carry it when I approached them in August but since all the Tractor Supply stores in my area are carrying it. Check back with them if your store didn't have it before.
I followed up with my local Tractor Supply, again about ordering some of the

Miniature Horse and Pony Feed and they have agreed to start ordering

2 bags a week, to see what the demand is for it. :aktion033:

I'm really looking forward to trying it.. Those of you who have used it,

Do you feed it alone or with Beet Pulp? What about hay, same amount

as usual/more/less ????
Forgot to tell, I feed some alfalfa/Purina very small pellets between. I found dead beatles in alfaalfa hay, now pellets. Sometimes, 2-3 times a week, a bit beet pulp, say 3 cups pellets and 1 peet pulp.

Hay free choice. We get the coastle bermuda with nothing in, just coarse useless hay

Don't take my word I am a hobby horse person not a vet.

I am also worried about the protein difference for the Broodmare..late term and lactating and foals..With the Born to Win you switched to Omolene 300 last trimester and for lactating mares and foals. How did they address those issues with you while you were on trial?

My Tractor Supply originally said they weren't going to carry it when I approached them in August but since all the Tractor Supply stores in my area are carrying it. Check back with them if your store didn't have it before.
Farnum makes Platform Broodmare and Foal formula, so I imagine you could switch to that when higher protein/nutrition is needed (if you want to keep with the same brand).
I just talked to my feed store, they are ordering in some for me to try. She has quit carrying the rest of the Platform feed, they are a Purina dealer and were not selling enought Platform. There is a TSC nearby that carries Platform.

I have a question for those of you using it - were your horses already on a pelleted feed? If not, did they have any problems with transitioning to pellets? I've never been a big fan of pellets, aside from the extruded pellets like Equine Sr. I feel there is an impaction risk with them, esp with horses who inhale their feed (most of mine). I'm going to give it a try though, would certainly simplify my feed program and make it easier to have someone else step in and feed for me.

Chandab ~ I know that there is a Platform Mare and foal formula, but I'm presently feeding one so no need to switch. Also, I only have 5 horses so don't want to have to buy several dfferent types of feed .

I'm just curious about their feeding instructions for broodmares and's states that you just increase amount being fed. Just doesn't make sense to me....I don't understand how increasing the amount fed, can make up for the missing protein, and they are recommending Platform Mini/ Pony for lactating and growing foals.

Shimfessel5 ~ I don't feed additional beetpulp, my horses never liked it anyway. One of the reasons I switched was because Platform has beet pulp right in it. I do mix a little chopped alfalfa/timothy forage(bagged hay) with it so they won't woof it down so fast. My horses are also on what's left of the grass during the day and also get hay.

Wildoak ~ my horses were already on 14% pellets before switching, so no problems there, and mixing in the chopped forage does keep them from eating too fast (from my experience anyway) .

I paid 12.99 for a 50lb. bag.
Oh please stop the insantity.

Help Jean!

Mine wasn't broke in the first place so why oh why did I fix it???????

Yes I admit I have trouble with porkers but I think I should have left well enough alone.

I also have a high quality hay (orchard grass)

One thing I never did was to change my feeding program until this year and boy I'm so sorry I fiddled around with it. I went from Omelene 200 to Born to Win + oats. This is just not working for us. I was just about to finish what I have and go back to Omelene 200.

What is the difference in feeding Born to Win and the Platform?

I also want to continue feeding my sloppy beet pulp especially in the winter months to be sure that everyone is staying hydrated so I don't want to give that up either like Lisa. I feel it is helping us avoid colics when fed soupy and plus, I just enjoy the heck out of "cooking " for them.

I'd also like to continue feeding Purina 12 12 free choice minerals.

So do I dare hop on this Platform bandwagon?
Oh please stop the insantity.

Help Jean!

Mine wasn't broke in the first place so why oh why did I fix it???????

Yes I admit I have trouble with porkers but I think I should have left well enough alone.

I also have a high quality hay (orchard grass)

One thing I never did was to change my feeding program until this year and boy I'm so sorry I fiddled around with it. I went from Omelene 200 to Born to Win + oats. This is just not working for us. I was just about to finish what I have and go back to Omelene 200.

What is the difference in feeding Born to Win and the Platform?

I also want to continue feeding my sloppy beet pulp especially in the winter months to be sure that everyone is staying hydrated so I don't want to give that up either like Lisa. I feel it is helping us avoid colics when fed soupy and plus, I just enjoy the heck out of "cooking " for them.

I'd also like to continue feeding Purina 12 12 free choice minerals.

So do I dare hop on this Platform bandwagon?

My questions exactly! This food intrigues me and I find this thread very interesting. We normally feed Omolene 200 and have great results with it. A horse came home from a trainer on the Born To Win + oats combination, and he looked great at first but as the summer wore on he lost weight. We put him back on the Omolene and he's back to normal weight. We also feed soaked beet pulp every night - I hate to quit for hydration purposes but also because the horses really love it and look forward to it. So - do I want to fix the wheel if it "ain't broke"? Would feeding the soaked beet pulp be overkill since it is already in the Platform feed?

I have never fed "sloppy" beet pulp in winter and believe me -- I used to live where we knew what winter really was. I've never had any issues with horses staying hydrated in winter as long as the water tanks were heated....The only time I ran into any problems with horses not drinking enough was when I was stupid and forgot to plug in the heaters.

Part of the problem for Marty might have been the oats - especially if they were "heavy" oats. Lots of sugars in there which equals lots of calories.

And I have never used any of the Omolene products so I cannot comment on them. In the past -- I was feeding Strategy, plus oats to my broodmares and they were too fat .... which I learned was primarily because of the oats. I was supplementing a LITTLE with Mare Power (a product that on the label is the same as Farnam's Mare Plus). My weanlings and yearlings were on Equine Junior. My old guy was on Equine Senior. I got rid of all the various kinds of feeds (except for the Senior for old Vegas) and now get just the Mini/Pony feed.

This year I did NOT change the feed I was giving my broodmares during the last trimester from the Mini/pony feed. I just bumped up the amount. I had NO foaling problems. I NEVER even saw any of my babies born this year because the sly old gals had them out in the paddock or out in the woods...and all of them got out of the sack. Something that I've had some issues with in the past. And I did not add any supplements....just the feed. And believe me, my foals were VERY healthy from the get-go.

As far as the comment about it not being a total feed - you still need to feed hay. The new feed should not constitute more than half of the total intake for the horse. It has beet pulp in it so there is no need to add any beet pulp to the diet because you would be decreasing their overall balance in the feed program.

I do feed good clean, SOFT grass hay. Here I've been getting mostly Bermuda hay...and I am EXTREMELY picky about the quality of the hay I feed. It can't be cut "old" (meaning allowed to grow too long before cutting) because then the food value plummets to almost zilch. It has to smell good and clean and fresh. Because of the drought I had trouble finding hay so I had a load of orchard grass hauled in from up north (THANK YOU CINDY!)
marty my answer to you is simple NO dont jump on any feed bandwagon just cause it works for some. What works for some surely doesnt work for others. If your feeding program worked for you with the Omelene and you were pleased with the results then by all means go with what works.

If there was only one great way to feed trust me.. there would not be so many different feeds and combos and supplements...
The reason I am switching Marty from Born to Win to the Platform Mini feed is that I was having to supplement on too many of the horses..I am hoping it gives me a more balanced feed for the minis since it was developed for them. My horse think they have died and gone to heaven since they are now getting on an average 3 times as much to eat as they were with the BTW. I feed a mixed grass hay to everyone now and then will feed a mix of bermuda and alfalfa to the bred mares in the last trimester. I just didn't like the look of the toplines on most of my horses and with 26 I wanted to simplify a little instead of adding a dab of this and a dab of that. I felt like Farnum had done the research and I will give it a good try to see how it works.
In case I missed it somewhere on this thread, Judy or Jean, how much of the Platform do you feed in cups? (not lbs.)

And Judy, how much were you feeding of the BTW in cups?


Susan O.
I never never never measure my feed in cups. ALL feed rations are designed to be fed by weight, not cups. Some feeds are lighter or heavier per pellet than others. Some feeds don't settle the same way in a cup and you never know just exactly how much you really are feeding your horses.

Therefore, I keep a scale in my feedroom. A small investment for doing it right.
We started using it last week, our local Tractor Supply store handles it for us and I am waiting to see the results compaired to our regular feeding program. I have a few horses switched to it and some horses are still on our regular mixture to see the difference. At the Tractor Supply store there were some tear-off coupons for buy 2 bags of any Platform feed and get $10 off instantly. Its running around $13.50 a bag here in Pa. The horses seem to like it and have no problem adjusting to the pelleted feed compaired to the sweet feed mixture that I buy from Purina Mills.
Well I do measure the feed on a scale but then use a dry measure cup filled level.. With the Platform feed that weighs 5.5 oz..regardless of which cup measure I used..and how many times I did it that is the nice thing about pelleted feed that is milled by Purina it is consistently the same size and weight that is why Farnum wanted Purina mills. I have a great 2 cup metal measure that I get a William-Sonoma
: that works great and gives you just shy 1 oz of the 3/4 pound(Platform is meant to be fed at 3/4 to 1 lb per 150 lbs with a minimum of 1% body weight in hay) I have another little scoop that 1 oz measures perfectly in and I pour it on top. So basically my 150 lb horses get 2 cups per day of the Platform compared to the less than 1/2 cup(2.5 oz) they were getting of BTW..(BTW is based on 1/4 lb per 250 lb horse getting 2% body weight in hay)My chubbies I am going with 3/4 lb per 150 lbs and the thinner horses and broodmares and foals(6 months and still nursing
: ) I am going with the 1 lb per 150 and 2% hay..which I weigh. With 26 I thought it would be hard but to tell you the truth just about everyone weighed out to 2 Cups, 3 Cups or My very biggest is 4 Cups but only 1% hay Since you are using the 3/4 lb to 1 lb per 150 I think you will be able to use the Cups and adjust accordingly to body score as long as you start with at least the 3/4 lb per 150 lbs body weight. I measured everyone..heartgirth by heartgirth by body lenth divided by 330 = lbs weight..What I find amazing is how they are just taking their time with their hay now..
In case I missed it somewhere on this thread, Judy or Jean, how much of the Platform do you feed in cups? (not lbs.)

And Judy, how much were you feeding of the BTW in cups?


Susan O.
I was wondering the same thing so I broke out the digital scale. According to my scale, 1 cup of Platform Mini is equivalent to 5 ozs. which is slightly less than 1/3 of a pound.

Ya'll can do the math .....
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This is so interesting to read but have a question.

I don't grain anyone here since they get fat so easy but I'm wondering if this is something I should add to make sure they are getting what they need. They are now getting hay/grass mix, free choice Purina 12-12, salt block with selenium and trace minerals, and also regular salt. The yearlings have hay bellies which drives me nuts. I've recently been weighing my hay which has made a huge difference but I wonder if at the least the yearlings should be on something more?

I sometimes feel I should be adding something?

Can anyone give me advice? Help?

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