Please post the best advice someone ever gave you

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My mother always told us girls to strive to be self sufficient, never let yourself become totally dependant on someone else.

Don't dwell on the past, what's done is done, no amount of should haves or could haves will change a thing, what's done is done. Learn from it and move on the best you can but don't look back.
When I was very long ago. I had a much older person tell me "You gotta be tough to be old". I now know just how true that statement was.

Also I always try to look at the glass half full, as opposed to half empty.
For where your treasure is - there lies your heart.

Understand your situation - Average depth of river 2 ft, but watch out for 10 ft hole. :DOH!
There have been many already posted that I try to live by so I'll just add the one we have told children and granchildren for many years.

You never fail until you stop trying!
What I try to apply the most is something I read: "Every word you speak, every decision/action you make, is a sermon."
When I got married over 35 years ago, my mom told me to not do everything for your husband because once you do it, he will expect you to do it for the rest of your life. Too bad I didn't listen on mowing the lawn. lol
Watching an Oprah episode one time changed my life in a big way. I had a hard time saying "No", especially to family members. I was the catch all for everything for everyone at one time, I was a stay at home Mom when the kids were little so they all thought I could do anything else they needed. I watched an Oprah show and she said to start living your own life and say No to things you did not want. So I did. I told my brother I could no longer babysit his children 6 days a week and I started on my own life. I went on to take courses at the local vocational school and had a lot more fun with my own children instead of yelling at a bunch of children in a group, and I was not wiped out at the end of the day.

Learn to say "NO"!
You can learn something from everyone. Sometimes you learn how NOT to do things or how to be.
When I was very long ago. I had a much older person tell me "You gotta be tough to be old". I now know just how true that statement was.

Kind of reminds me, my dad has told me that his dad used to say that "getting old isn't for sissys"

UGH guess I don't know how to do quotes either.
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"You don't slow down because you're getting old, you get old because you slow down." -My dad

"Don't trust anyone... ever." -Dad again...

"Trust me, you much rather have a job you love, and barely make any money then have a job that makes you all the money you want, but dread every day." -Dad

He's one of the smartest guys I know... he's my hero.

"You want to work with your horse. Not against her. If I slapped you in the mouth or kicked you in the side every time your posture was off, would you want to ride?" -David Willer (my natural horsemanship trainer/instructor)

He was referring to people who are constantly jabbing their horses sides with spurs and yanking on their mouths.
Though I also live my life by many of the phrases already mentioned the one piece of advice that was the best ever was my father's when he found out we were engaged and he didnt give it to me but to my future husband. " Never go to bed angry with each other" and we never have though sometimes it has been 4 in the morning before we werent. We have been married 40 years as of June 15th this year. Perhaps I treasure it even more because my Dad was killed in an accident only weeks after giving this advice.

The other is in my signature Love many Trust few and always paddle your own canoe. In other words have many friends, a handful of true confidants and always keep your independence.

And the last from my mom " Always remember to be grateful for what you have instead of worried about what you dont for no matter the circumstance you can always find someone worse off than you are. It goes along with the one about being upset with the long walk til I met a man who had no feet.
Some of these may be repeated, but Mom had several-

If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.

Some people have more money than sense (cents). Get it? LOL

Dad always told us 'Never assume anything!'

Nothing in life is sure except death and taxes.

And in regards to life in general- Nobody gets out of here alive.

I have a few more favorites that came from Will Rogers~ He had such a funny way of putting things into perspective... but had pretty good insight to what the world and people were all about.

'If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!'

'Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock.

'Never miss a good chance to shut up.'

'Letting the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in.'

And this is one of my all time favorites from him------

There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
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mom has one that just cracks me up!!!

"You can't cuss a cat without getting hair in your mouth"

I just love this one because it makes me laugh so hard.
'Never miss a good chance to shut up.'
I have heard this one too, and sometimes wished I had adhered to it! :DOH!
Here's one my Grandpa Daddy Bill told my Dad, and my Dad told me (related to sales):

You need to know when to stop talking, and when to start writing
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Great advice here!

I have some which I know have been repeated but I like them anyway:

"I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate." -George Burns

Plus other great ones from my two pals......

[SIZE=10pt]"Manners become part of your character. If you’re not a gracious person, you’re going to stumble and fall on your way up the ladder of life. It’s just that important." -George R. Sample[/SIZE] ------ This quote was my grandpa commenting on manners after he donated to Penn State Behrend the Janet Neff Sample Center for Manners and Civility.

[SIZE=10pt]"Success is through the field of knowledge." -George R. Sample[/SIZE] -----Another good one from the big guy himself.

[SIZE=10pt]"Surround yourself with happy people." -Sue Sample [/SIZE]----- Ahh, I like this one. Simple enough. Surround yourself with things in your life that make you happy... whether it be furniture or friends. Just what makes YOU happy.

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