please say an extra prayer

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Olympia, WA
This is kinda long...sorry....

This has been an on-going weight on my shoulders since I found out on of my sisters & her family went over to Bend/Sun River area in Central Oregon for a short family vacation for Thanksgiving...and on their way home, my brother in law said he didn't feel they pulled the time they pulled over into the Hoodo Ski brother in law was turning blue...... I guess my sister said that she got him out of the pickup & the ski patrol happened to be there practicing, so they ended up having to CPR & use the paddles (sorry, don't know the proper terms here) to get his pulse going....apparently he was blue for 5 sister said their kids (ages 13 & 10) were hysterical, but she got someone to take the kids into the lodge so they wouldn't have to see the whole thing play out. The crew that worked on him were totally on the ball, they had a life-flight helicopter there within a few minutes & life-flighted him back to Bend, where he ended up having an emergency surgery Sat night.....had to put a couple of stints in his artery..... So, needless to say, it has been touch & go for the past few days and I feel terrible for my sister, my whole family lives in Salem, but my sister & her husband are in Bend at the hospital, but they are coping. My sis says that her husband is just not grasping the reality that he died & was brought back....I think it needs to sink in. My brothers went over & picked up the kids yesterday & they went to school today, and my little sister (who works for the school superintendant) called both schools today to advise the teachers of what happened & tried to get some counseling for the kids. My brother in law doesn't think the kids saw anything, but my sister said they saw a lot more than any kid should ever have to see, and she is trying to get my b-i-l to grasp how lucky he is....she said the more he is in the hospital the more he seems to be remembering and trying to deal with this whole situation...but he also is ready to go mind you he passed out just going into the bathroom to take urinate & then he said he didn't pass out.....(he is in denial of sorts).... and he or she (not sure which) somehow pulled an IV out when he passed out, so because he is on blood thinners...he was bleeding profusely...... Anyway, to make a long story shorter, he wants to come home, but they are looking at a harrowing drive over the pass to get from Central Oregon to Salem..... I told her, look if they tell him he has to stay in the hospital longer, so be's the best place for him and it's better than the alternative, the morgue. I just can't help thinking, he was totally in the right place at the right time, but I also know how any little thing can happen between Bend & it's going to be a rough ride when they do finally get the ok to go home. Apparently there is quite a bit of snow in Bend (ok probably not to the Bend folks, but to us from the Valley, it would be a lot).... Anyway, I am glad my sis called me this eve, I just hope she can get it through her husbands head how lucky he is and that you don't often get a 2nd chance at life, so you need to heed the warning. I do have to say, he is in good physical shape, but he is a workaholic & they own their own business, so there is a lot of stress....and it sounds like stress was a major factor, plus Sleep Apnea, which I never knew contributed to heart attacks, so I guess I learned some things from this as well.

Well, again, sorry this is so long, but I felt the need to get some of this off my chest...I feel bad that they are stuck in a hospital, but it's the best place and my sis said that the Drs & the nurses are just awesome & doing a super great job.

Anyway, if you all could say a little prayer for them, I would be grateful.

Thanks. Valerie
I am so sorry your family is going through this. If it is any consolation, we did get hit hard with snow today but it doesn't usually last long. Also, your brother-in-law is in a VERY good hospital. Most think it is just a small town hospital but it is actually nationally recognized for a number of its medical disciplines.

My mom just drove over the Santiam Pass (Bend to Salem) yesterday afternoon and there was snow and ice. It took them about 3 1/2 hours instead of 2 1/2 hours to get there because of the weather and they had studded tires. It looks like Wednesday will be the best day around here with no precipitation and by then the roads will be fine. The mountain pass will still be bad I'm sure but not a blizzard anyway.

I also know of someone who came the long way from I-84 and down through Maupin. It takes more time but they didn't hit any snow or inclement weather until Madras. That way should only get better as the week goes on although it is longer, so I'm not sure how your b-i-l would handle that. It might be less stressful for him to travel over bare roads rather than snow and ice though.

I hope he is feeling better soon and able to get home. If there is anything I can do from here just let me know.
Sounds like your brother in law and the whole family were VERY lucky. If he was driving it could have been a terrible tragedy if he hadn't stopped when he did. And how very lucky that they pulled into a place that had help so readily available. Sounds like the angels were with them on that trip!! Sending healing wishes his way.
Prayers are going out for you and your family. It is such a good thing that it happened where it did and help was immediately there. Hope everything goes well for everyone. Corinne
Sending Prayers and healing thoughts...

As for him not remembering...that is a fact when something like this happens. The blood was not circulating properly through his brain, and he will most likely never recall the whole episode, as he wasn't even aware of it taking place. What he will "remember", is what you tell him.

Both my Father, and my Husband have suffered several heart-attacks. My Husband has had three stints installed, and my Father, after suffering several attacks over seven years, finally had a triple by-pass just last year...just before Christmas. HE was our Christmas Gift!

They are both healthier than before, really, they are.
They eat better, and generally, take better care of themselves.

.....(he is in denial of sorts)....
That is soooo true, my Mother says to my Father..."denial, is not only a river in Egypt".
[SIZE=14pt]Sending prayers for healing .[/SIZE]

Oh Valerie... how scary. I can remember seeing my Dad on the floor with the medics over him when I was about 8. And yes, you hear everything going on. Sounds like it happened in the almost perfect place. Your sister and family are very lucky and sounds like she knows it!!!!! Hope he heals up just fine and gets to go home soon.
A quick update, my Sis & her hubby made it home from Bend to Salem last evening, and my parents said that my b-i-l, looks quite good considering what he has been all we can hope is that he learns to slow down & listen a little more to what his body is trying to tell him. I had a very long talk with my sister on Mon eve.......and we talked about how the kids would do well to talk to counselors, but I also advised her that she herself should talk to someone, and I think she agreed, she said that she just keeps replaying the whole scene everytime she closes her eyes....I said, yep, you need to get that out, don't internalize it...not healthy.

I guess the next step is for my b-i-l to get a sleep study done for the sleep apnea....and then they can go from there.......I tell ya what, I have learn a lot of stuff through this whole ordeal.

Anyway, I just wanted to say "thanks" to all you wondeful folks who sent prayers & words of encouragement, it really did help. Thanks again.......and a special thanks to Cam, who was advising me of the local Bend weather, etc...which I was able to pass along. Thanks guys are the best!
Oh, I'm so glad they made it out already. With up to 8" of snow coming in the next 24 hours and more on the way through the weekend, I was thinking of them and afraid they would have to wait until next week. I am so glad he is doing as well as he is. That is such good news.

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