Pleasure Carriage and Driving Show in Michigan

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Jan 15, 2006
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Just wanted to pass along about a Pleasure Show here in Michigan. The Metamora Carriage and Driving Association in Metamora, Michigan will be the host of a Pleasure Carriage and Driving Show on July 20-22, 2007. Metamora is located in the rolling countryside approximately 50 miles north of Detroit. The show will take place on a beautifully manicured and maintained farm, called Squeaky Wind Mill.

This will be an ADS sanctioned, full schedule show with classes for horses, ponies, VSE and hopefully four-in-hands. This will be a two and a half day show with dressage on Friday and ring classes on Saturday and Sunday. The showgrounds will be open two days prior to the event with all participants encouraged to drive the beautiful trails in and around the show site.

Stabling will be available at the showgrounds with a number of hotels, motels and restaurants in the area.

The Metamora Carriage and Driving Association has for many years, hosted a nationally recognized CDE, and now hopes our first Pleasure Driving Show will be equally successful.

We are working hard to determine the interest from individual clubs and numbers of anticipated participants. We are not asking for a commitment, but rather trying to determine show needs. We ask you to present this information to your club membership and let us know how many of your members might attend. Many people have expressed a need for another mid-west pleasure show and we think our club will do an excellent job. Please watch for our ads.

We are hoping for a big turnout of VSE's, so please pass this along to anyone who might be interested. Unfortunately, at this time they do not offer a VSE division for their CDE, but we are hoping with a big turnout at their Pleasure Show, they might offer it in the future.

Thank You!

If this is the same Nikki I know she has a mini mare that ROCKS! This little mare kicked some big horse butt in CDE events in Michigan and Kentucky.

PICTURES PICTURES WE WANT PICTURES. I know you have one cause you emailed it to me.

I'll go make a fool of myself at this one if you promise to do the Bluewater Jubilee in Midland July 28-29. Entry fees are only 95.00 1 horse unlimited classes for both days.
We are hoping for a big turnout of VSE's, so please pass this along to anyone who might be interested. Unfortunately, at this time they do not offer a VSE division for their CDE
OK - I'm ignorant - what are CDE and VSE?
VSE= Very Small Equine This is the term the ADS uses to denote any equine under 39" at the withers, which includes minis, donkeys, mules, etc. Anything under that height.

CDE= Combined Driving Event. Waaaayyyyy too much fun!! You can search for previous posts on it here, or visit and for more information and pictures.

I wish I was close enough to attend as the Metamora events sound great. Camptown Harness should probably be there, I remember Marjean saying something about taking her horse to Metamora. You've got to support this, guys! :new_shocked: We need more mini events in that area and if you go to the pleasure show, maybe they'll open the CDE.

Sorry Susanne, AMHR is 38" at the last hairs of the mane and VSE is 39" or 99cm at the withers. I just double checked the rule book to make sure.
He might still squeak in, you never know! And if he doesn't he could still do fine. He just needs a light navigator on marathon.
: I'm sure no one on this forum would volunteer for that onorous duty! No, never....
: Hehehe

It sounds wonderful and I would dearly love to be able to say I can attend as Michigan is not so far away that it wouldn't be feasible BUT our club is holding its one and only 3 judge sanctioned AMHR show that SAME weekend!!! I hope it is a huge success and they will feel obliged to open a VSE division in the CDE for you.
: Anyone else who even thinks they might be interested - GO - they are a wonderful way to spend your day!

Yep, it is me and here is my favorite picture from the Gayla CDE 2006. We took first place for our very first show!!!! Ok, it is a deal, I will go to the Midland Show as long as you go to the Pleasure Show. Don't worry, you are not going to make a fool of yourself.

Thanks for the compliments, I think she is pretty special too!!!!

Nikki I thought you were shy? Thats the picture (just lovely)!

Beauty is a wonderful ambassadress of the miniature horse breed. After having the PRIVILEGE of driving her, I decided to start training to do this scary CDE "thing". Her owner is a BLAST to be around too.
:eek: Ohhhhhh, I want to come play in your sandbox too. Just way too far away. Make a big success of this one, and maybe in a year or two there will be enough interest in your area you can get something started in the southwestern Michigan area that those of us in Illinois and Indiana that are unable to travel too far or be gone from home to long would be able to go to. Hope it's a HUGE success, and I will want pictures on the Forum to drool over.
Hey Ginia if Ed wants to come finish the wiring project that weekend, you could drive Tweet and I'll hook either Tryst or Dusty. This would be a GREAT opportunity to get your feet wet.

Nikki where'd you get your cart and harness?
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Too far for me to come --- I go as far as the ICDE near Indianapolis -- and plan to go to the Pleasure show in Tennessee next year -- but I am a wuss and won't drive to North of Detroit for a show.

I am sorry to hear that Gayla is not having VSE division this year. I was looking forward to competing in it for the first time. I was a volunteer last year and was inspired by the minis and their drivers! It looked like so much fun that we competed in the ICDE last year.

Question for those who know the rules (I have not looked it up in my rule book yet - kinda cheating here). If there is no VSE division - can you enter your mini as a Single Small Pony? I was thinking of just doing the CT part -- dressage/cones only if Small Pony was an option. Platinum can't haul me, cart and a navigator on a cross country course - but he could do the dressage and cones I think.

Sounds like a whole lotta fun however.

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Bluerocket- yes, I think you are allowed to do that. You'd need a navigator as you obviously expected, would have to use the larger arena and be able to make the faster cones times...WITH a navigator...but you could do it!
It's called "going HC" (which is an abbreviated french term that I can say but can't spell! LOL) I think I saw something somewhere about the groom being allowed to run behind the vehicle legally in some circumstance...know anyone athletic? LOL.

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