I don’t think this is going to take anything much away from your straight AMHR horses if it gets passed. I think perhaps a number of people are overlooking this: Very likely the majority of the double registered horses that are showing at the dual ASPC/AMHR shows are already showing AMHR. I know that a good majority of the people I know that have the ASPC/AMHR got them specifically to show AMHR—and that is what they are doing. Will they now enter ASPC as well? No doubt some will; some surely won’t. Many owners get to only 2 shows, so have to show AMHR in order to qualify for Nationals. Some, if they get to more shows, do show AMHR at some shows and ASPC at others. Some stay with AMHR at every show just because that is where they want to show—they have no interest in showing ASPC. And yes, some people are showing their small ponies ASPC only and don’t do AMHR classes, for whatever reason. These people may decide to show AMHR now if they are able to show at both divisions at a single show. Obviously it will vary from show to show, maybe even from Area to Area, but I am quite sure that there are a number of shows that won’t see much of an increase in small ASPC entering AMHR classes. It is the ASPC divisions that will see the most benefit from this rule change—like Bob said, perhaps with this we will see more shows with bigger ASPC classes. I am not sure how that hurts the straight AMHR horses?
Andrea—actually there are a number of one-day shows that have both AMHR and ASPC approved shows. Our Brandon fair show is one example. So, a ASPC/AMHR driving horse could be shown in all his driving classes in that one afternoon. The good thing there is, we don’t offer all the classes in every division. We offer the open, youth and stake classes for most divisions. A few divisions have only open and stake classes, no youth. We do not offer ladies and gentlemens classes. So, a horse could have 12 driving classes if he were being shown in pleasure driving and roadster, and if a PMC drivier were also driving that horse—ASPC Classic Pleasure Driving Youth, Open and Stake, AMHR Pleasure Driving Youth, Open, PMC and Stake, ASPC Roadster, Open & Stake, AMHR Roadster, Open, PMC and Stake. The only other performance class would be hunter—we offer AMHR hunter, and only one class for each size.
But—that is my only real issue with allowing the cross entry—I do not like to see any horse driven into the ground and I can see a few exhibitors getting carried away with the number of classes they enter with one horse. If they haven’t conditioned that horse for that many of classes, and/or it happens to be an exceptionally hot, humid day, the potential is there for someone to overwork a horse.
People have often complained on here that the Shetlands don’t pull their weight---that the AMHR shows support the ASPC classes….and now something—this proposal-- is presented that would serve to increase ASPC entries at the dual shows…since horses would no longer have to pick & choose which way they will show—the dual shows would surely see more revenue from the ASPC classes, making them more self supporting… and people are complaining about that.
Makes no sense really….except I guess those opposed don’t want the horses to show both ways, they just want them to leave AMHR and stay with ASPC only. There’s the rub, eh? This rule still won’t get them out of AMHR.
I don’t think this is going to take anything much away from your straight AMHR horses if it gets passed. I think perhaps a number of people are overlooking this: Very likely the majority of the double registered horses that are showing at the dual ASPC/AMHR shows are already showing AMHR. I know that a good majority of the people I know that have the ASPC/AMHR got them specifically to show AMHR—and that is what they are doing. Will they now enter ASPC as well? No doubt some will; some surely won’t. Many owners get to only 2 shows, so have to show AMHR in order to qualify for Nationals. Some, if they get to more shows, do show AMHR at some shows and ASPC at others. Some stay with AMHR at every show just because that is where they want to show—they have no interest in showing ASPC. And yes, some people are showing their small ponies ASPC only and don’t do AMHR classes, for whatever reason. These people may decide to show AMHR now if they are able to show at both divisions at a single show. Obviously it will vary from show to show, maybe even from Area to Area, but I am quite sure that there are a number of shows that won’t see much of an increase in small ASPC entering AMHR classes. It is the ASPC divisions that will see the most benefit from this rule change—like Bob said, perhaps with this we will see more shows with bigger ASPC classes. I am not sure how that hurts the straight AMHR horses?
Andrea—actually there are a number of one-day shows that have both AMHR and ASPC approved shows. Our Brandon fair show is one example. So, a ASPC/AMHR driving horse could be shown in all his driving classes in that one afternoon. The good thing there is, we don’t offer all the classes in every division. We offer the open, youth and stake classes for most divisions. A few divisions have only open and stake classes, no youth. We do not offer ladies and gentlemens classes. So, a horse could have 12 driving classes if he were being shown in pleasure driving and roadster, and if a PMC drivier were also driving that horse—ASPC Classic Pleasure Driving Youth, Open and Stake, AMHR Pleasure Driving Youth, Open, PMC and Stake, ASPC Roadster, Open & Stake, AMHR Roadster, Open, PMC and Stake. The only other performance class would be hunter—we offer AMHR hunter, and only one class for each size.
But—that is my only real issue with allowing the cross entry—I do not like to see any horse driven into the ground and I can see a few exhibitors getting carried away with the number of classes they enter with one horse. If they haven’t conditioned that horse for that many of classes, and/or it happens to be an exceptionally hot, humid day, the potential is there for someone to overwork a horse.
People have often complained on here that the Shetlands don’t pull their weight---that the AMHR shows support the ASPC classes….and now something—this proposal-- is presented that would serve to increase ASPC entries at the dual shows…since horses would no longer have to pick & choose which way they will show—the dual shows would surely see more revenue from the ASPC classes, making them more self supporting… and people are complaining about that.
Makes no sense really….except I guess those opposed don’t want the horses to show both ways, they just want them to leave AMHR and stay with ASPC only. There’s the rub, eh? This rule still won’t get them out of AMHR.