Pray for Mya

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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If anybody could spare and extra prayer I would be very thankful. I had a gut feeling today to take Mya in to urgent care. Turns out she has RSV, we went by ambulance and hour away to a childrens hosptial. Not sure how longer her stay will be. They are just watching her for now.
I don't know what RSV is, but sending prayers for Mya!

I hope she will be better and be home soon Ashley
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Ashley, how's your baby girl doing this morning? I also didn't know what RSV is, so I googled it and read it's basically a cold kind of situation, but that it can be serious for young babies. I hope Mya is now home and getting some healing rest.
We are probably looking at being here 3-4 days, depending on how she does. Currently she is receiving forced oxygen, deep suctioning of her lungs/nose, and neb treatments. She also hasnt no desire to eat and has only ate 7 oz in the last 28 hours. She has a iv place in her head for fluids.

RSV is like a really bad cold in adults but in babies it can be life threatening. Thankfully I went in right away so hopefully it wont take to long for her to be on the mend.
I'm saying prayers!!!
Mya Update: So far it looks like another one to two days here. It all depends on how much oxygen she needs and how she is eatting. Right now she is eatting very little (2-3 oz so far today) and she is on hi-flow oxygen at all times. Shes a fighter and we will be home in no time.

Just glad to finally see a real doctor. Thankfully the nurses are great. The hospital is part of the University of Minnesota so I see lots of students and first year docs. Its sad when the nurses know more then the students/first year. I know everybody has to learn, however its not a great feeling when its your child suffering and they are learning on her.
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Prayers for Mya! She is a little doll by the way. I hope she gets better soon!
I'm sorry Ashley, I hope she gets better quickly. What a sweet baby doll face, precious little girl

It must be hard for you (((hugs)))
Bless her little heart! Hope she is getting better, please keep us updated, I know right now you have a lot on your plate, so don't forget to take care of yourself too. Still sending prayers.
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They took her off the one med they were giving her to help her breath as it made her heart rate jump to 220. So tonigh she got a neb of steroids and is now sleeping comfy. Her heart resps are back down in the 30's instead of the 50's. The doc expects her to peak sometime tonight into tomorrow.
I hope she'll be all better really quick! She's such a little super doll.
I have not been on the board for a few days. Sorry Mya is sick. Sneding prayers she continues to improve and her mom gets some rest.

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