Prayers are needed for my unborn grandchild

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I too had a GD born very early 8 years ago she had the shots and mother deleived a 2# baby girl it was rough at first but she came thu and is smart and health as a mini horse hehe Maddie is now 8 and been showing mini since she was 2 and weighs lots more than her 2# wish you the same luck and hopes that all will be well carol
Mary & Glenn, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hoping that there will be a good outcome. Mary, my husband was born premature and weighed only just over 2 lbs, it never held him back, he has been pretty healthy all his life and will turn 65 this November.

Anyone had this experience in going into labour this early. :no:

Would like to hear the good and bad experiences being around 22 weeks, if you do not mind sharing.....

A coworker of mine had his first child very early and was worried about baby #2 doing the same thing. His first child is healthy and well - I think he is around 5 now....he would come visit work with his dad and he always had a little car, tractor or truck in his hands and he would tell me all about what the specific vehicle could do.

Mom went into labor early again - around 21 weeks, I think and they put her on bedrest and medication. I think they held off labor until 23-24 weeks and their daughter arrived despite every precaution. She was so tiny my coworker could put his wedding ring on her arm like a bracelet... I think she was a pound and a few ounces at birth.

She was due to arrive in April but was born in January. She went home at the end of March, beginning of April. She did not have any major problems - no sight problems, no hearing problems, no mental challenges but she was not growing properly and they had a stomach tube introduced to help with the feedings. I think that has helped a lot.

I saw her last Christmas and she was smiling and happy as mom carried her in a front facing Snugli type carrier. Our hospital called her one of the miracle babies that they save and our school raised money to help babies like her. To date, as far as I know, she is doing well and the tough part was the toll it took on her parents and brother, all who are a wonderful young family but I know they were having problems as a couple after this...I keep them in my prayers that they can work through it - to go through two very early babies and to have them survive and fight... I think she turned 2 this past January or she will be 2 this coming January.

Another friend of our family had their daughter 2+ months early - she is a healthy teen now and while she is petite, she is at grade level and is active.


Prayers for your son, daughter in law and the baby....they are in my thoughts.


Silversong Farm

PS Almost forgot - my mom was a preemie - born 3 months early in 1944, back before the technology they have today. She had sight problems and a growth on her ear but she celebrated her 63rd birthday this past March and is as feisty as ever.
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Prayers for all of you!!! My brothers baby was born way early and he is now fine no bad health problems at all! Of course it was a long stay in the hospital but the little cutie is well worth all the worry at the time!
Mary I was born at a few weeks past being 6months old weighing 2 pounds 3 oz. That was 61 years ago.
This is a really good story, pictures of the baby at the end.

Just a few days old, Amillia Taylor is shown lying next to a ballpoint pen to show her tiny size. Amillia is the world's youngest gestational-age baby, born at 21 weeks and six days on Oct. 24, 2006. Weighing less than ten ounces and measuring only 9.5 inches in length, she is also the fourth smallest baby in the world to survive. Baby Amillia will be going home after four months in the NICU at Baptist Children's Hospital in Miami, FL. (Photo: Business Wire)


AMILLIA Taylor should not have even been born until next month. But she will soon be home with her parents, after a four-month fight for survival that has earned her a title as the world's most miraculous baby.

Born in October after just 21 weeks and six days in her mother's womb, she is the first baby to survive such a premature delivery, with previous records standing at 22 weeks and above.

Her parents, who went through in-vitro fertilisation treatment to conceive, chose the name Amillia for their 10oz infant because they read that it means "resilient".

Now aged 17 weeks, Amillia weighs 4lb 8oz and doctors hope to allow her home soon, declaring that she has lived up to her name and beaten the medical odds.

"We weren't too optimistic. But she proved us all wrong," said Dr William Smalling, one of the neonatologists who brought her through her battle for life at the Baptist Children's Hospital in Miami, Florida.

He added: "She's going to be in a normal crib, she's going to have normal feedings, she's taking all her feedings from a bottle," said Dr Smalling.

Medical guidelines state that babies born at less than 22 weeks' gestation should not be resuscitated, because they are not viable until 23 weeks. A normal pregnancy lasts between 37 and 40 weeks.

So in October last year, when Sonja Taylor, 37, realised that she was going into labour just 19 weeks into her pregnancy, she kept quiet about her real due date in an attempt to give her child a fighting chance.

Doctors were unable to delay her birth and delivered Amillia by Caesarean section on 24 October. Seeing her struggling to breathe on her own and hearing her rasped attempts at crying, they believed that she must be 23 weeks.

Only when they checked Mrs Taylor's IVF records, in which a fertility doctor had recorded the exact date of implantation, did they discover just what they had on their hands.

Amillia weighed 10oz and measured 9.5in. Her lungs were strained, her paper-thin skin ripped, she had suffered a mild brain haemorrhage and her left ear and scalp were hanging off.

Amillia still requires medication and supplemental oxygen to help her lungs, but doctors said yesterday that her prognosis is "excellent" and that she should lead a normal life.

For her mother, who worked as a teacher prior to the birth, and father Eddie, 46, an electrical engineer, they dared not even think the future about as they watched their daughter struggling for life.

"I'm still in amazement," said Mrs Taylor. "It was hard to imagine she would get this far. But now she is beginning to look like a real baby. Even though she's only four pounds, she looks plump to me."

Mr Taylor said: "Her name means resilience. She fought for her life. By the grace of God, she's here."

The Guinness Book of World Records lists the most premature baby to survive delivery as James Gill of Canada, who was born at 22 weeks and is now aged 19. The University of Iowa, which keeps a national database of premature births, reveals that no baby born at less than 23 weeks' gestation in the US has ever survived.

Dr Smalling said: "What we learned is that we can work on babies that are small, even though it was thought to be technically impossible. It may be that we need to reconsider our standard for viability in light of Amillia's case. The technology that we have available to save these premature babies has improved dramatically."



This is her going home

Prayers and best wishes for your family.

I loved Stella Lenoirs post about that tiny little preemie. Look at those little feet!!!! Amazing!!!!
Sending my Prayers and Positive thoughts too.

It is important that you daughter inlaw is at hospital that specializes in Premies. I live in Washington State and we are blessed to have the University of Washington Hospital. They save the tiniest of the tiniest. Sixteen years ago they saved my cousins 2pd 2oz little girl. Mary is a very healthy typical teen .... she is causing her Mom a different kind of heartache now

Hang in there and don't give up hope ~ Teri

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