This is a hard post for me to write tonight, and I am sorry it will be a hard one to
First from the bottom of my heart Thank You for your prayers for Whisper.
My heart is broken tonight, as we lost our Whisper today. Its been a very rough day
for us. Sweetwaters Just A Whisper 2 crossed the rainbow into Heaven's beautiful
gates into God's loving arms today. I was with her right till the end. I held her beautiful
Blue Roan Appaloosa head and kissed her as she crossed to Heaven into God's arm's.
I am only left tears and heart break. She was so beautiful. She was my driving Mare,
and we were hoping to breed her later and get a appaloosa filly. Now that day is gone.
She Choke on Monday, and I found her. I was out feeding when she came into the stall
and she was gasping for air. I rushed her to the Vet's office. They tube her and she
started breathing better. Dr. Tony then informed me she was colic. So they started treatment
for Colic. She was dehydrated and they gave 2 bags of fluids. She improved, so they let
her come home. She was fair on Tuesday. Starting to shows signs of life again. She
started drinking water and was holding her head up more. She got upset when I let her
buddy go into the next stall to eat. She had to be with her, and pushed open the gate and
went to stand next to her. Whisper was not interested still in food. So I put them back together.
She, Porcelain and Eeyore were the best of friends. I kept Porcelain with her right to the end.
Porcelain was there when she took her last breath. Whisper last night was showing much
improvement. She had a pretty good day. I had to work, but had my brother checking
her all day. I was home for lunch and she was doing good. She had a really good night last
night. This Morning I went to give her a pain shot. She greeted me at her gate with her
sweet nicker. She was up and moving everywhere. She fussed at me.. She was doing
so good. Her breathing was normal. Her gums look good. I was so happy, I felt like she
was going to be okay.
Lunch time I got off work and came home. I look on the monitor, she was down laying next
to the gate. It scared me. I ran to see her, and found she was so bad. I rushed to call the Vet
and my darn job to tell them I would not be back today. My Mom had to work for me this
afternoon. I got the Vet and they told me to give more med's and get there. I did and we got
there. Whisper rode over standing up. I put Porcalain in the front of the trailer incase she
had to stay, so she would have her buddy. Once we reach the parking lot, I heard her go down.
It would be the last time she would stand. Once there, we spent the day there.
Dr. Tony work on her, but he had to do it in the back of trailer. She could no longer stand.
He said her Colic was so bad now. She was not going to make it. He continue to run test and
check her, and work. But her Heart rate was now 185 and should be 45. Her breathing was
so labor, and gums should be pink were now so purple. Her temp. had now raised to 106.
and Her brain was cooked. She had ruptured her intestines, he felt it was her small intestines.
And she was going into shock. The rupture was spilling toxic's into her body and no
surgery would save her. So I had to have her humanly put down. She was given a shot
and I held her head as she crossed the rainbow into Heaven's beautiful Gates and into
God's incredible hands.
Marty, I know as she crossed Michael was there waiting too, he took her that beautiful barn
and he is taking care of her for me.
This is the hardest thing we have to do as a horse owner, it is beyond heart breaking to
loose them, its so hard. Its just so heart breaking. Our barn is empty tonight without her.
Porcelain said her good bye's tonight to Whisper before I separated them for the last time.
She stopped and put her head to Whisper's and they touched. Porcelain just stood there,
looking at her. And then she was ready to join the other horses and ran right to Eeyore.
Laura I think your post was right on. It did start with Choke. But today, it turned into your
post. So please please watch what hay you buy and feed. I know in my heart this bad, is
what started this all. There is nothing that will fix it or change it, Whisper is gone. My heart
is so broken. It will be hard to see them all out running and no whisper. Its hard to know
one day was fine and running and playing her best Friend Porcelain and today is gone forever.
Thank you for your prayers.
I will miss your forever and will never stop loving you till we meet again in Heaven.