Well-Known Member
Today, I had to rush my 11 week old boxer puppy to the vets
, as she was vommiting, and had horrible stomach pains got her their and they were going to put her on some IV's and get her back dehydrated up, and then give her the night and see how she was, so we left no sooner get home and get a call from the vet saying her pain has increased severly and she needs to under go exploritory surgery, they suspected an impaction of some sort, or a birth defect. So a few hours go by, and we just get a call from the vets, the lady that I got the puppy from had Umb. herina surgery on her, and the vet did a horrible job, left pieces in their, which caused her intestines to get all wrapped up in it etc..so they had to remove about a FOOT of her intestine, and sew the good pieces back together. She said for such a young puppy and having to remove so much intestine shes unsure how she will heal and get over the surgery... she said she wont know at least for 24hrs how she MIGHT recover. I am beside my self and pray that my dear little baby makes it out alright, she said the surgery went well..and she was in recovery room right now in some blankets etc... I pray her little body takes to the surgery and she doesn't have any complications. I am livid :arg! with the ladies vet that did the poor umb. hernia surgery!! It is a serious surgery for a puppy to under go and I need prayers, and maybe advice on anyone else who has had a surgery like this with their dog/puppy, what were the results and the recovery?