Premie foal in hospital, various issues

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Ok....this is what I would have done facing the same situation with a new foal (early) with no colostrum. Kayro syrup is an excellent source of glucose and Foal Lac is an excellent milk replacer until the mare's milk comes in. Was she completely dry? And how soon did her milk come in? I would have mixed up some Foal Lac in a water bottle and added about 10 mls of Kayro, and then put a lamb nimble on the water bottle and fed the foal for the first feeding. I would have also given some Probios, E.Coli, and Foal Response. Then, if the mare's milk hadn't dropped within a few hours, I would have called the vet for some oxytocin for the milk let down. That's what I would have done 1st. Now, granted that's also 10 years of veterinary medicine experience talking too.

I would bring her home and see how she does. Has she been tested for Salmonella? Other things to consider also!

Take some of the navel blood of the foal and mix it with the mares milk.

If they separate you need to muzzle the foal IMMEDIATELY.

It is ONLY the colostrum that the foal is incompatible with, but it is best to keep the foal off for 48 hours to be safe.

You will need the Vet to take blood from the mare to spin for antibodies or have a stash of frozen colostrum from a known compatible mare.

The foal will need to be tubed and fed hourly for 48 hours.

After this it can be let back onto the mare as normal (provided the Vet is OK with this.

The mare, obviously, has to be milked out.

This is more common than you think- what a shame you did not post earlier.

I am very sorry you lost the foal, very sorry, BUT.....

I have to say, though, you should not have been breeding an untested Paint mare to an untested Stallion, as LWO is very easily avoided, as is death from Isoerythrolysis.

Has she been tested for this???????
Best of luck with your lovely baby. That vet bill is way out of my range too.
Parmela, she is lovely. I would bring her home, supplement her and allow her and her mom to relax in your loving presence. It'll be alot of work but I think unless they can prove the mare's milk is toxic allow her to nurse. Provide probios and the LOL foal and see what happens. She is 5 days old and looks pretty good considering. My prayers and light surround you all.
Deb, I'm sleep-deprived! What's "LOL foal?"
Land o Lakes.
: However I was rethinking this and wondering if maybe goats milk w/ karo syrup wouldn't be better. Is she getting probios? Have they controled the poops yet? A wee bit of biosponge would do it. I know I would not be able to afford $8000 no matter how much I would love the baby. If she is nursing and getting fluid (ie foalac. land o lakes or a goats milks mix) I would bring her home. Did the vet test the foal/mares milk for the compatability? Sometimes at first this is toxic and the foal cannot drink her mum's milk. Being that she is 5 days old they should know that by now. Best thoughts now!
Parmela, she is lovely. I would bring her home, supplement her and allow her and her mom to relax in your loving presence. It'll be alot of work but I think unless they can prove the mare's milk is toxic allow her to nurse. Provide probios and the LOL foal and see what happens. She is 5 days old and looks pretty good considering. My prayers and light surround you all.
Deb, I'm sleep-deprived! What's "LOL foal?"
Land o Lakes.
: However I was rethinking this and wondering if maybe goats milk w/ karo syrup wouldn't be better. Is she getting probios? Have they controled the poops yet? A wee bit of biosponge would do it. I know I would not be able to afford $8000 no matter how much I would love the baby. If she is nursing and getting fluid (ie foalac. land o lakes or a goats milks mix) I would bring her home. Did the vet test the foal/mares milk for the compatability? Sometimes at first this is toxic and the foal cannot drink her mum's milk. Being that she is 5 days old they should know that by now. Best thoughts now!
Take some of the navel blood of the foal and mix it with the mares milk.

If they separate you need to muzzle the foal IMMEDIATELY.

It is ONLY the colostrum that the foal is incompatible with, but it is best to keep the foal off for 48 hours to be safe.

You will need the Vet to take blood from the mare to spin for antibodies or have a stash of frozen colostrum from a known compatible mare.

The foal will need to be tubed and fed hourly for 48 hours.

After this it can be let back onto the mare as normal (provided the Vet is OK with this.

The mare, obviously, has to be milked out.

This is more common than you think- what a shame you did not post earlier.

I am very sorry you lost the foal, very sorry, BUT.....

I have to say, though, you should not have been breeding an untested Paint mare to an untested Stallion, as LWO is very easily avoided, as is death from Isoerythrolysis.

Has she been tested for this???????
Are you on drugs??? Seriously, what in the world are you talking about? Did you even read my post or did you just decide your were bored and needed to waste my time with this kind of crap?

Well, since you obviously didn't read my post or are incapable of comprehending the English language, let me be very clear:

The foal IS NOT DEAD!

There was NO COLOSTRUM to be incompatible with.

There is no "Paint" mare involved, she's solid sorrell with no pintos in her background.

There is no "untested Stallion" involved, he's a solid cremello with no pintos in his background.

If you don't have something constructive to contribute, I'd appreciate it if you'd just keep your jibber-jabber to yourself.

Geesh! There's got to be one in every crowd.
This is more common than you think- what a shame you did not post earlier.

I am very sorry you lost the foal, very sorry, BUT.....

I have to say, though, you should not have been breeding an untested Paint mare to an untested Stallion, as LWO is very easily avoided, as is death from Isoerythrolysis.

I just want to clarify this, Parmela and I live about 10 minutes from each other. She has not lost her filly yet and she does not raise pinto horses. She specializes in the GMB bloodline. This filly is out of a sorrel mare by a cremello stallion. There is no LWO involved.
I am no vet but I would think the antibiotic very well could have caused the diarhea. Even human babies will get the runs if anibiotics are given because the antibiotic will kill off both the good and the bad germs. The antibiotic may not have been the best thing for a preemie unless there was a temperature. Just a thought, mary
that's a very good point.. i know the antibiotics i take for my lyme disease give me the runs.. i have to conteract that with lots of probio's (kyodophilus is my probio of choice).
I did send you an email also, I wish I could give more specific help, but when our premie, a couple years ago , Millie, was at the Iowa State Hospital she had been given the strongest of all antibiotics and she did get loose stools from that. The only other thing I can maybe add and I hope I didn't miss it in someone elses' advice, have they tried t give her Foal Lac milk? Our Millie got quite good about drinking it out of a bowl they would hold. Her dam also had no milk. If your vets would want to confer with our vets at ISU have them ask for either of the Sponsellers. Most on staff will remember our Millie. I do release any info if you need it also. Best wishes, sure thinking of you and whatever you decide it is yours to make. Lavonne
dont have any advice but im so sorry for what youve gone thru (emotional stress and financial) sending good thoughts to you!!

*rabbit what in the world are you posting?? maybe rabbits been on mare stare and got confused
First I would like to say I am very sorry you are going thru all this and wish you the best of luck with your babies!

That said, why was the baby put on antibiotics unless the baby had a fever, that seems to me it would only add to her problems. Yeah she has "a premature digestive system" so lets fill it full of medicine! I am not a vet by no means, but that sounds crazy.

And $8,000.00 for a couple of days worth of fluids, WOW.........I would definately want to bring her home!

She is adorable and looks like a little stinker! Good Luck with her and keep us posted.... :aktion033:
I have pulled a preemie thur, with 24/7 home care after 2 vets told me she wouldnt make it.Now, she is completely caught up on size and "attitude" with her pasture pals. I did it on her dams milk, (which I milked out and syringed into her) yogurt, goats milk, karo syrup, and poly-vi-sol infant vitamins, and a occasional sugar water boost. NO MEDS went into her. She is SOOO cute. I wish I was closer to you I would be more then happy to try for you. I just want to tell you THANK YOU from the bottom of this little foals heart for trying to help her in every way you can and (((hugs))) to you for being willing to try. Corinne
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Congratulations on your new little fillies. I hope and pray that whatever you decide, little Mira makes it, but if not, you can rest assured that you have done all you could reasonably have expected to do, and more!
Sorry sorry sorry- I am a bit leery as you have noticed and I lifted the quote from another thread I did on this (Isoerythrolysis) and did not read it through completely- I am very tired.

I realise you are stressed out but I do not think that justifies your response to what was obviously a misquote.

Not even sure if I want to go ahead and clarify but anyway....

Did your Vet test for compatibility with the mares milk- this incompatibility is comparable to Rhesus negative babies.

Basically, there is something not right about any of this, and I hope you can sort it out, for the foals sake.
Ohhh, she is so cute! I bet you will find the right combination for her, sounds that she has the spunk and will to fight! I am completely uneducated about any of this, but I wanted to give you Congrats on a beautiful baby, and best wishes on her fight.

Through the years I have had several foals such as yours. From all the description I would say that it is an RH factor, where the mares first milk was incompatible with the foals blood. Even though you say that there was no colostrum, I believe that that was the initial problem. Since your vet did a plasma transfer, hopefully that problem is now solved and the foal can nurse now, since it is more than long enough for the incompatible milk to be gone. Hopefully your foal will make it, and I do not believe that the "premie" has anything to do with the current situation.

We had a similar situation two years ago and the mares milk never came in, but we didn't realize that she had no milk until too long after the colostrum should have been consumed. Our filly developed salmonella after being switched to a nurse mare, but actually survived, but was touch and go for a full six weeks.

Hopefully the worst is over for you and if she is nursing on her own, I would definitely take a chance on taking her home. Just guard against her getting pneumonia in her weakened condition. We have lost a couple because of that final result.

Good luck and keep us posted.

She really is a pretty filly.
I can't offer any help, I really wish I could.

Seeing those photos of your dear little girl hooked up to a drip broke my heart. This is such a sad thread.

I really hope your little girl pulls through. I'll be sending all my love to all of you.
I would ask the vet to try and get her to drink a product like mares match while she is there and see how that goes and if she can drink it and do ok on it they can pull her off the IV fluids. At a few days old they should be able to drink from a bowl,bucket pretty easily once they get the idea

Also sometimes the antibiodics can give them issues as well.

Whatever you do I know you have done the right thing by this foal so far and a decision like this is just never easy.
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