Premie foal in hospital, various issues

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This may not be the appropriate time or place for this, but once you are over this episode, I suggest that you call other vets to check prices. I have had many, many horses hospitalized over the years, but no price near what you are being charged. When Top Cat was in the hospital after the dog attack, he was there for eleven days and my total bill was $536. I know that that is very cheap, but I have compared prices at all the vet hospitals within 100 miles. My c-sections are around $350 and I got an estimate from another hospital that I no longer use for $3,250 for the exact same operation. Shop around BEFORE you need the service.
Very good advice. Wish I could follow it all the time...

I have 3 vet clinics within about 65 mile radius of my home; all cost at least twice as much and know less about horses than the vets at the clinic 150 miles from here. :no:
MiniV makes some excellent points. I would watch very carefully about the ulcers. They come on quick in the littles. I am using carafate/sucralfate for my girl and it is very inexpensive and works so well. If you'd like more info Parmela Pm me. Also the probios or yogurt is a very imprtant thing for her gut. Any updates on when she can come home?
This may not be the appropriate time or place for this, but once you are over this episode, I suggest that you call other vets to check prices. I have had many, many horses hospitalized over the years, but no price near what you are being charged. When Top Cat was in the hospital after the dog attack, he was there for eleven days and my total bill was $536. I know that that is very cheap, but I have compared prices at all the vet hospitals within 100 miles. My c-sections are around $350 and I got an estimate from another hospital that I no longer use for $3,250 for the exact same operation. Shop around BEFORE you need the service.
Tony, you're so very right. I do think there is one other hospital within a reasonable distance that offers critical/hospital care for horses and I will check them out. It's to late for this episode, but unfortunately there will be others I'm sure.

MiniV makes some excellent points. I would watch very carefully about the ulcers. They come on quick in the littles. I am using carafate/sucralfate for my girl and it is very inexpensive and works so well. If you'd like more info Parmela Pm me. Also the probios or yogurt is a very imprtant thing for her gut. Any updates on when she can come home?
Deb, I would like to know more about the products you mentioned and I will PM you soon. Thanks!

At this point she's been off constant fluids (IV) for about 12 hours and is holding her own. She still has diarrhea though which concerns the vet. Me too. No real info on when she'll come home. I'm hoping tomorrow (Thursday) but everytime I mention that the vet just says "we'll see."
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Let us remember that these are your beloved horses Parmela. IF all they are doing is watching them for $100s a day...I think you all can manage that. Tell Isa that she has to watch this one, it's her new job!
Copy of post from another thread about Mira:

Thank you so much for asking! It means a TON to know that people actually care enough to ask!

I hadn't heard from the hospital since yesterday at 5pm, so I figured that was a good sign. When the call at night or very early in the morning, it's usually not very good news I've learned. So, I did just call for an update and here is where things are now:

About 2pm yesterday they HAD to take her cath out because her vein had ulcerated (I believe that is the term they used) and they really didn't want to put one in her other jugular since it wouldn't be good if that happened on both sides. So, from 2pm through 10pm she was on no addl fluids other than what she was getting from mom. I don't know if I've mentioned this yet (this week has been a blur!) but she has been with momma 24 hours per day since Tuesday evening. She did receive some fluids via isolated infusions every 8 hours until last night at midnight. Since then she's been without any intervention other than monitoring her levels. She's got energy and is "motoring around the stall" according to the vet. She still had diarrhea, but it's less frequent and the vet said she may be on the verge of coming out of that. Yeah! :aktion033: She's still on antibiotics and BioSponge. Her blood is a bit "too concentrated" whatever than means, but her electrolytes were normal, her lactaid (sp?) is going back up (now at 2.4, but that's within the realm of normal, just higher than she had been). But she'd been all the way up to a 6 and 8 is fatal, so I'll take the 2.4! The vet said if nothing worsens today she may come home tomorrow!!!! YIPPEE!! :aktion033:

I've been so cautious not to get too hopeful that I actually didn't know what to say to the vet when she told me. I guess I had myself prepared for the possibility that she might not come home. I'm still not sure it's registering in my brain yet.

I look at little Mira who is 7 days old now and then I look at little Lily who is 3 days old and Lily is literally twice the size of Mira! There's just such a difference. Mira is just so tiny and Lily came out fully developed, healthy and ready to go! The difference is amazing. When I get Mira home, I'll take pics of both of them together. That should be pretty funny to see.

Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. It's really made a difference. Also, I've learned a lot about this process and I may be able to do some things differently if there is ever a next time.

Thanks to everyone.

Also, I will still post info from the bill once I get it so everyone can see what all was done to her and maybe we can learn something from this - what it necessary and what isn't. At least I hope something beneficial comes out of the $$ of money it will obviously be! :new_shocked:
Sounds like she is coming around - and that sounds like good news she is coming home!! Shezakeeper I would say.


I'm so sorry that your little Mia has been so sick but happy to hear that she is doing better.

She certainly sounds like a little fighter!

Hugs and LOTS of prayers for your precious little filly - she is just adorable - looks like this will be your "million dollar" baby!!
I have no real advice but am after reading the whole posting SOOOO happy to get to the end and hear it sounds like she's coming home!!!

: a happy ending

good luck and I can't wait to see more pics.

You went above and beyond what I could do from a finacial stand point and I comend you for that.

:aktion033: I am so glad she's doing better

Glad that your little filly is doing better and hope that she continues to improve. Hugs and prayers sent your way. :cheeky-smiley-006:
As I was reading this, the pages kept growing and growing! It's nice to see everyone being so supportive!

I'm glad to hear that little Mira is doing so much better! I can't help but wonder if some of her diarrhea is from the antibiotics? Antibiotics are just so hard on tummies, as Debs has already mentioned. I will keep this little one in my thoughts and prayers! I can't wait to see pictures of her playing with her "sister"!!

I agree with Tony on the shopping around for a vet thing. I know I wouldn't be paying any where close to these numbers with my vet. But another vet in this area, would charge this and maybe more! Her prices are CRAZY! I can't believe she even has clients.

You are an awesome horsey mama!! Keep up the great work!
:risa8: :new_multi: :cheeky-smiley-006:

She's supposedly coming home this afternoon! I'll believe it when they actually let us out the door with her!

My first task will be to get pics of her and her "little" sister that was born 4 days later and post them.

Thanks to EVERYONE!!
:aktion033: I am so glad that you didn't give up on her, and I bet your little one is forever thankful too!

That is great news that she is going to be coming home!!


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