Well-Known Member
Is it just me, or am I seeing the world if miniature horses just going straight down the hole??? I have only been in the mini world for almost a year but already i'm hearing the talk and seeing the proof that so many of us are losing interest and hope in our mini's!!!
It frustrates me to see an amazingly refined, show quality, awesome pedigree and great confirmation both of the foal and the parents...going for a measly $5-600!!! Or a perfect, dishy headed double registered colt going for $250??? I mean, don't get me wrong, they would totally fit in my price range but honestly, what is happening to our market? I understand during winter months some prices go down anyhow but this is ridiculous! I had to consistently lower the prices on my sale horses to meet with current prices of everyone elses low offers because people kept writing me saying "well so and so has such and such for a third of that price...". I stuck my ground for a while but eventually broke down to a friend...which to me is ok...but breaking down to the general public? If you have a horse that you know is worth a firm price, why let it go for so cheap? I personally am more proud of an expensive horse that I had to save up for, than for a cheap horse that I bought with my pocket change. JMHO.
I went to my first mini horse club meeting last night and what really sticks in my head is how one of the members received an e-mail from a lady, regarding a gorgeous black and white pinto colt, asking if she could purchase the colt for.....$125.00 !!! This colts sire is amazing and he had a loving personality to die can people think because they are so small, they should be cheap? GRRR THIS FRUSTRATES ME! Large horses sell on average in the high thousands to double digits easily, even the crappy confirmation ones sell for a couple grand...I could see going cheap once in a while for a good friend, but to just hand over your precious ones raised with love and your time...
Is anyone else seeing this or is it just me? I mean if this really bothers a lot of people i'll just delete the post but I want to know if I am the only one upset because prices are just ridiculous, or if it is just me? I don't want to cause a big hubbub but I am just entering the miniature horse world and it saddens me to see it shutting down so quickly, large horse people are seeing the mini market as a bunch of raggedy fleas because they hear all about the "under $1000" sales and they're laughing at us, they're wondering why we even have them, as if they're a bunch of cheap dogs. Right off hand, I can only think of a couple BIG farm names, and I don't mean quantity, I mean quality...quality and priced high, too high for me but I would be ever so proud to own one of their horses! Anyone know what I mean?
It frustrates me to see an amazingly refined, show quality, awesome pedigree and great confirmation both of the foal and the parents...going for a measly $5-600!!! Or a perfect, dishy headed double registered colt going for $250??? I mean, don't get me wrong, they would totally fit in my price range but honestly, what is happening to our market? I understand during winter months some prices go down anyhow but this is ridiculous! I had to consistently lower the prices on my sale horses to meet with current prices of everyone elses low offers because people kept writing me saying "well so and so has such and such for a third of that price...". I stuck my ground for a while but eventually broke down to a friend...which to me is ok...but breaking down to the general public? If you have a horse that you know is worth a firm price, why let it go for so cheap? I personally am more proud of an expensive horse that I had to save up for, than for a cheap horse that I bought with my pocket change. JMHO.
I went to my first mini horse club meeting last night and what really sticks in my head is how one of the members received an e-mail from a lady, regarding a gorgeous black and white pinto colt, asking if she could purchase the colt for.....$125.00 !!! This colts sire is amazing and he had a loving personality to die can people think because they are so small, they should be cheap? GRRR THIS FRUSTRATES ME! Large horses sell on average in the high thousands to double digits easily, even the crappy confirmation ones sell for a couple grand...I could see going cheap once in a while for a good friend, but to just hand over your precious ones raised with love and your time...
Is anyone else seeing this or is it just me? I mean if this really bothers a lot of people i'll just delete the post but I want to know if I am the only one upset because prices are just ridiculous, or if it is just me? I don't want to cause a big hubbub but I am just entering the miniature horse world and it saddens me to see it shutting down so quickly, large horse people are seeing the mini market as a bunch of raggedy fleas because they hear all about the "under $1000" sales and they're laughing at us, they're wondering why we even have them, as if they're a bunch of cheap dogs. Right off hand, I can only think of a couple BIG farm names, and I don't mean quantity, I mean quality...quality and priced high, too high for me but I would be ever so proud to own one of their horses! Anyone know what I mean?