Debby - LB
Admin / Mod
glad you are going through with this Renee! it's a much needed proposal. It's nice to see someone passionate enough about their horses to stand up for them and try to be heard.
You are so right, Holly. Had a 34" mare and bred her to a 29" stallion....and the resulting foal grew to 39" !!!!! Definitely a throwback to something way way way back in his pedigree. Yes, I think there should be a measuring requirement for AMHA horses to be 'hardshipped' into AMHR. The assumption is because it's AMHA-registered it is definitely under 34". Now everyone knows what happens when anyone 'assumes' something.Minimor, on 12 Feb 2013 - 17:33, said:
Well, in truth there are those horses who outgrow their AMHA papers--by A LOT. Considering that AMHR will give papers to a horse based on AMHA temporary papers...without any check to see that the horse actually does qualify by size for AMHA...and since some of those horses are very tall and will never get their permanent A papers, and considering that there have been people that have stated they had a horse that grew to almost 39" out of two 34" and under parents--I don't think it is unreasonable that all horses be inspected and measured before R papers are given.