New Mexico is one of the states that does NOT allow individuals to buy and/or give their own, rabies vaccinations, so we have to take our dogs to a vet for that. For years, there was also a state law requirement that rabies be given yearly, even though I began hearing quite some years back that the rabies vaccine was a THREE-year one. Only recently has our state law been changed to allow a three-year interval, as reflected on the vaccination certificate/tag you are issued upon administration; so now, you will be asked if you want a one-year or a three-year rabies, and will be charged more if you say three-year. Does anyone know for a FACT that there even IS a one-year AND a three-year rabies vaccine? I feel that it is likely the SAME VACCINE....but 'what a deal', if it can be charged MORE for if to be for the full effective interval of three years!! Am afraid I DO think there is some 'money grubbing' involved, at least, sometimes.