Well-Known Member
Do horses with blue eyes have to be overo? Or can a solid horse have blue eyes? Is there some kind of gene that makes there eyes blue?
YES, your right all double dilutes do have to have blue eyes to be double dilute!I am certainly no expert but Cremello horses have blue eyes and I know overo's do.
I am sure one of the genetic experts will answer your question fully.
Good Luck and great question!
I have not seen the horses you are talking about, so I am NOT saying you are wrong. However, backgrounds can be very deceiving. My stallion (in avatar) has absolutely no dilute colors listed in his pedigree. Imagine my shock when I started getting Palomino foals from Sorrel mares and Buckskin foals from Bay mares. Also, if those Tobianos you are referring to have any face white, there is something there besides Tobiano. If the blue-eyed Tobianos you refer to have any face white, I would suspect the Splash gene as being the culprit.I know I will probably get flamed but here goes. I have been involved with paints for many years and many tobianos have blue eyes without overo breeding. I have had quite a surprise this year as I finally got my pinto filly from a solid mare and tobiano stallion, both brown eyed, no overo background very lean on tobiano genes even and got a blue eyed filly. We are still scratching our heads over this one.