One testicle descended would worry the life out of me,
That's how I feel daily rabbitfiz. I have worried over this since I got him as a weanling.
I have a 1 1/2 year old colt purchased as a breeding stallion who only has one testicle. He's had only one for as long as I can remember.
Still being told "he's only a yearling there's still time" (or something like that - I'm not on my computer to check the exact wording on the e-mail) that's what I'm doing. I was told that mini's drop late and not to worry". So that's what I'm doing okay - trying to do.
I'm new to mini's but not to horses.
The breeders say they'd be concerned if a newborn didn't have both at they never said my horse was one of these that would worry then I presume he had both - then all I can do is sit and wait. Gonna be hard next spring if things dont change as I want to breed him.
gonna throw a party when he drops the second YAHOOOOO< YIPEEEEE...till then...
waiting and feeling daily
(poor little horse hehehhee)
P.S. this horse is PRFECT in every other way, perfect conformation. Awesome bloodlines, gorgeous head, small muzzle, small ears, large eyes, perfect bite, perfect legs, rare color (possibly brindle) All I can do is sit and wait. I didn't get him as a gelding so I have nothing to do but wait (and worry)
fantastic movement (only 30 inches at a year and a half old) great disposition.