Well-Known Member
I meant to comment early--there's been mention of Chloe having a dorsal stripe & so she must be/may be dun. I had to go back to John Eberth's post on page 1 of this thread, where he said:
to point out that many greys do have dorsal stripes for a time. I've seen plenty that were not dun--couldn't possibly have been dun--that did have dorsal stripes. We've commented on Tallie different times "she must be dun"--jokingly of course, because we know she is not a dun.Also sometimes Greys will have primitive markings like a dun, especially while young, but it is NOT the dun gene, it is seen breeds that do not have the Dun gene, Example is the Arabians, the reason is not known but it is transitional and usually does not stay. This does not mean there cannot be a true Dun- Grey.