Record keeping

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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I am wondering how people keep records. Do you use a computer program? Handwritten? No financial records but breeding records, vet services, farrier, vaccinations, dewormings etc.
I make my own forms and the information is handwritten in. We have a "vetting" notebook, a wipe board for marking breedings down when we're in the barn(which are later transcribed onto breeding records), and a 3 ring binder for information on the mares.

All farrier and vet visits are recorded, as well as what/who was done at each. Works for us, though I know there are others with much more elaborate set ups, ie: computer software, etc...

Hope this helps.

We use both the computer and handwritten records. I have a terrible memory (sometimes) so I put reminders of vet calls, farrier, and worming in my computer calendar. It pops up reminders then of the scheduled things. I also put any breeding dates on that calendar in case the written file gets misplaced.

I'm a bit paranoid so everything is also written down in case the computer crashes. I keep a separate file for all the horse related things in our file cabinet. An envelope with all the receipts and records from the vet goes there. Also all the paperwork for breeding such as the copy of papers for outside mares and breeding contracts.
I keep a horse calendar for each year and handwrite breedings, foalings, wormings, farrier, and vaccinations on it. I also keep a spiral for each year with more detailed info, mostly to do with breeding and foaling.

Larry has tried to start a computer program a couple of times for our records, but both of us kept forgetting to make entries in it! :eek: So for now, I'm sticking to my "old-fashioned" method.

I keep a calendar out in the barn and then I use Breed Manager I think is the name of it on my computer.

Pretty much everything of mine goes on a calendar.................used to use Breed Manager, but never would put what went on the calendar onto it.
This is kind of funny to read the replies as they are mostly the same as mine, the old-fashioned way! I really thought MANY more people used the computer method!! I think it is easier to find info right where I "wrote" it , cuz I can remember that
Very interesting replies. I would have thought more people would use the computer too. My husband designed a neat program for me but I always forget to input my stuff. I guess I need a barn calendar too even though I don't have a barn. lol. What type of calendar do you all use? Just a regular one or one of those breeding calendar things? I have seen them at UFA here. (Canada)
What type of calendar do you all use? Just a regular one or one of those breeding calendar things? I have seen them at UFA here. (Canada)

I track down a regular calendar with the biggest boxes for each day I can find.
I also use a calendar for breeding and foaling dates.

And i keep a record book for all other things (sales or purchases)

I am picky about what kind of calendar though LOL. It has to have big blocks around the numbers each month. And the back cover has to be blank so that i can write all the information on it.

I had the breed manager program, but when my computer crashed on me, i lost all that information.

(but i still had it on the trusty ol calendar)

I have all my calendars dating back to the early 80's lol.

I do also use Xcel on the computer to keep track of vaccinations, wormings, etc. but then i save it to a disk and i also print a copy out.
I'm a calendar user too. LOL Large squares are a must since sometimes I'm breeding 3 or more mares at the same time. I don't keep it in the barn though....... I write everything down on the kitchen calendar right inside the door when I come in the house. The Schwan's man sometimes gets a funny look on his face when he's putting the sticker on for his next visit.
I use Excel to make a chart in the left column I list all the horses and across the top I list the treatments I might perform during a given period. I keep this in the barn and mark each worming, vaccine, breeding, foaling, etc. as it happens daily. Once every month or two when it starts looking full I take the chart to the computer and enter info into the computer using Breed Manager. I have been using Breed Manager for 10+ years and it is great to be able to pull up anything I need on every horse we own or have owned for all those years.

Love it, absolutely could not function without it.
I go online and use "Rendaivu". It's awesome:
Thanks for the recomendation Matt. I registered with them today and have started to enter the information on my horses. The herd isn't big but it will take me a while. I've registered as RanchoSundowner.

Is anyone else using Rendaivu?
I registered with rendaivu - but have never received a confirmation email - so can't login. I wanted to see what their software was like - I am currently using Breed Manager.
If you don't hear from them soon send an email to [email protected] and they will help you.
Calendar is the only way for me to keep track of things and get them right. I have one hanging in the barn, with huge squares on it and everything gets marked down, another hanging in my computer room, which also has everything marked down on it...and a spiral notebook with again, has everythign down and more detailed info. I had Breed Manager but never remember to use it. Just seems so much easier to write it down. So glad to hear I'm not the only one who hand writes things yet...some friends think I live in the ice ages when I tell them what I do, but for me it works! Corinne
I use the record form thatyou get from Jeffers and hand write everything in. Shots, hoof trims breeding dental etc.Use to use a computor program for record keeping then my computor messed up and lost them.

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