Well-Known Member
I posted this whole story a while back, well now its over. We sold it to my 'friend' and his mother and they refused to pay for it. Well after weeks and weeks of hearing 'we will pay it next friday, no wait ..next friday, no next friday, next friday' and our friendship ending we decided to take them to court. They were very sure they would win. I dont see how the judge could have granted it in their favor, i mean its pretty black and white here ..you bought the pool and use it daily, its in your yard and you have said tons of times not to pay for it. We gave them till june 14th and told them that, then called on the 15th and got some nasty nasty comments and hung up on. They cant afford to pay for the pool, yet they went to cedar point 3x and his father bought a motocycle and they are getting a boat now??? 
They basically tried pointing out all the little details we got wrong, such as wrong emails, wrong spelling of their name ...that was there case agianst us
:. To think i called this guy a friend?????? :no:
Well today we had our small claimes court case. WE WON!!! :risa8: :risa8: :risa8: :risa8: :risa8:
They had the nerve in court to say that i and another friend went over at night when they were sleeping and shot a whole in the pool .......???? HUH? Where did that come from. Then, she showed a picture of the the whole and it was 2'' from the top of the look and so tiny water was dribbling out ..if i would have shot a whole in it (and im scared of guns btw, anyone will tell you that) the water would have been dribbling out AND i would not have done it 2'' from the top. No way would i ever do that, im not that imature
We sued for $250 (which they owe) and charged an 08% daily from end of March-today to be added on and then $35 for court charges.
After it was all over, i went down to the car bc i was feeling light headed ..to much stress lately and then this ontop of things and he and his mother come and come up to my car window and flip me off and say 'were not paying it, were not paying it' and walk away. They wont pay it, i know them to well. We dont know how to make them pay it. What else can we do you know?
Then in court, they printed off all our emails/txts ext and the judge wouldnt even look at any media materials. So not even 5 minutes after court was done i had 3 new txt messages, a new comment on my Myspace when i got home and two new emails ALONG WITH tons of harrasing offline messages on yahoo mssngr. Im going to try to block him soon.
I thought it would be over after this, apparently its not.
Just wanted to share an update. I tell you what, if they dont pay it ..im not extremely worried bc i know that we won the case. You know what i mean? Just knowing that puts me at peace.
Now im just worried about all the harrasment im going to get. I dont plan to comment or txt or email him back, im an adult not a child and dont plan to play into his silly little childish games. But i dont look forward to getting harrased.
They basically tried pointing out all the little details we got wrong, such as wrong emails, wrong spelling of their name ...that was there case agianst us

Well today we had our small claimes court case. WE WON!!! :risa8: :risa8: :risa8: :risa8: :risa8:
They had the nerve in court to say that i and another friend went over at night when they were sleeping and shot a whole in the pool .......???? HUH? Where did that come from. Then, she showed a picture of the the whole and it was 2'' from the top of the look and so tiny water was dribbling out ..if i would have shot a whole in it (and im scared of guns btw, anyone will tell you that) the water would have been dribbling out AND i would not have done it 2'' from the top. No way would i ever do that, im not that imature

We sued for $250 (which they owe) and charged an 08% daily from end of March-today to be added on and then $35 for court charges.
After it was all over, i went down to the car bc i was feeling light headed ..to much stress lately and then this ontop of things and he and his mother come and come up to my car window and flip me off and say 'were not paying it, were not paying it' and walk away. They wont pay it, i know them to well. We dont know how to make them pay it. What else can we do you know?
Then in court, they printed off all our emails/txts ext and the judge wouldnt even look at any media materials. So not even 5 minutes after court was done i had 3 new txt messages, a new comment on my Myspace when i got home and two new emails ALONG WITH tons of harrasing offline messages on yahoo mssngr. Im going to try to block him soon.
I thought it would be over after this, apparently its not.
Just wanted to share an update. I tell you what, if they dont pay it ..im not extremely worried bc i know that we won the case. You know what i mean? Just knowing that puts me at peace.
Now im just worried about all the harrasment im going to get. I dont plan to comment or txt or email him back, im an adult not a child and dont plan to play into his silly little childish games. But i dont look forward to getting harrased.