I am only doing it for now...makes it easier for me to see what is going on UNDER her tail and between her legs I don't plan to leave it braided after she foals though. It is also something that I can do to spend a little time with her. She seems to enjoy when I do it and always stands perfectly still...almost falling asleep
It's easy to say or hear it though, so much harder to accept it! People keep saying that to me about Beauty and I threaten to wallop them with the plunger I'm threatening HER with
She seems to have V'd some, but she is still 10ft wide! Could she just have a lot of fluid in there? I just don't see her ever getting the slab sided look...she is so big! LOL. Here are pics from this AM...
Fantasy never lost the wide load look, she carries a lot of fluid and it has stretched her belly as well... which onto her third foal means she always looks large! Wouldn't be suprised if Robin is the same
I started Robin on some alfalfa cubes this evening. About 5 or so, soaked in water, and gave her a little less grass hay. From what I have been told here, this should help with milk production.