From what Chaffhaye's website says, I should try to use it up within 7-10 days of opening it. It also says that if the bag goes bad, you will definitely know it, as it gets a very strong rotten smell.
I spoke with a rep for it one time and I was concerned about it being alfalfa and founder from it being too high in protein. Apparently with this fermentation process, it is no longer a "hot" feed and you don't have to worry about them foundering or getting too much of it. You can actually free feed this stuff from what I read...I won't be doing that, but it is possible. I have plans to start feeding it to most of my herd pretty quick here. Fiona (clydesdale) probably won't get it, as I want to keep hay infront of her at all times. She will get round bales of grass hay and her high fat grain. My other full sized horses will all get it and my two donkeys. If Robin adjusts, then I will give it to her too. If she absolutely refuses to eat it, I will go back to soaked alfalfa cubes for her. It is sad, because the Chaffhaye actually comes out to be cheaper than feeding big bales of grass hay. There is no worry about wasted hay or mold or dust either. AND it is readily available with a constant price...none of this "oh, my supplier went up, so I have to go up on you now". Forget that mess, lol.
The rain stopped at dark last night, and Robin was beginning to twist her little blanky around her body (since she wouldn't let me use the straps between her legs last night), so I took it off. Well, she stayed dry last night, but it got down to like 32 last night, so she was kinda cranky this am. She felt better once the sun came up and she could stand in it though.
This baby needs to get NOW. I don't think that I can take much more of this stress/worry. I am already concerned with the cost of feeding all of my critters this winter. I am attempting to sell on of my full sized horses, but no one is biting. I have like 1200 in him and I am trying to get at least half of that back to help with feeding everyone else this winter...well that's not happening. I could easily sell him for a couple hundred, but then what is the point? That wouldn't even buy one big bale of hay! Then I have the whole lack of a shelter thing, which means that I have to bug hubby to get on the ball with the permit to build a new one. We already have all of the supplies...just have to get the permit and get it built. Bugging hubby to build stuff for my animals is not very fun though, lol. He is already not really a horse guy...well he likes them, but he doesn't like fixing fences or repairing damage that they do to buildings or building shelters for them, lol. So, whenever I ask him to do those things, he gets grouchy. Then there is the 3 extra dogs that I am babysitting right now. They are a pain and they don't listen, so when I let them out to go to the bathroom, I have to go and chase them down and make them come back. I don't deal well with my OWN dogs not listening (which doesn't happen very often, as I have made sure to train them all very well), let alone someone else's dogs (whose owners actually dared make a comment about MY training abilities, lol). Oh, and then there is Hurricane Michael (my 2.5 year old) whom will NOT let this house stay in order. I pick it up and in 10 minutes he has dragged every toy back out. Rawr!
Sorry for the autobiography of grouchiness, lol. I guess I just needed to vent. I realize that I don't have it so bad...there are many that have it much worse...I'm just in a grumpy mood and am feeling poopy about things right now. If you read all of that, give yourself a cookie!
No pics of the potato this was cold and she was cranky, lol. No real changes though. I will go out and get some when it warms up some (and hopefully my hurricane will be taking a nap!).