I'm sorry. I am a bit sensitive on this issue, since I had an important stallion and a mare he was breeding torn apart by pit bulls/pit-bull-blends dogs several years ago. We were able to shoot one of the dog pack -- as it was so "full" with horse meat that it couldn't jump over the fence to run away. We even tried to take the dog owner to court -- having the dog sent for autopsy to show the stomach contents -- but here where I live even the judges have these pit bulls for hog hunting and 'somehow' the dog body got lost, the officer who came wouldn't testify as to what the dog looked like, etc., etc. I'm really sensitive about dogs that are allowed to run loose -- especially where I live -- as many are trained to kill and maime, and there are many horse ranches around. This pack of dogs -- well known by most in the neighborhood -- killed 4 horses in the week after they killed my two, and three of my friends horses where mine were being boarded.
So, I apologize if I was a bit strong. I wish Ruby the best, and pray she never hurts the horses -- because it's just a truism of nature -- not her fault.