Ok I know for an AMHA show the halter horse needs to be nice and square while standing. And the ponies should be stretched. But I heard for the AMHR halter minis they are stretched too. Is this true?
It depends on the horse. The rule book does imply that a squared stance is preferred, it also says show to the horse to it's best advantage. I, typically, stretch my minis depending on their croup level. You want a flat top line just like in the ponies.
Well if there were two horses with equal conformation and one was square set and the other stretched, would the square get the higher place with a judge because the book prefers that?
It will be interesting to watch the open classes on the web link. I noticed that the youth had the horses stretched a lot more than I normally see. I didn't see the judges ask anybody to square them up but again it was youth classes so.....
As far as AMHR, at the one show I attended this year (watching only) I did notice that the horses were being shown mostly stretched--quite stretched. The judges weren't asking anyone to square up their horses either.
For my AMHR minis i normally square them up and then ask them to take an extra step forward. I dont park them out as much as my shetlands but i always ask for that one step upward just to show the topline more and then set the croup.
I did not notice extreme stretching at Nationals- they are supposed to 'give' their head and neck for you- not just stand there. A horse that is overstretched to me looks like it has a weak rear end and makes the whole hind end look funny. It's ok to stretch them some, from what I have seen but there needs to be a happy medium. Have someone hold your horse and stand them up and see where your horse looks best- totally square or stretched a bit.... Watch the top line, the belly but take a look at the whole rear end from the hocks up when you do and you will see a different 'look' depending on how they are standing.
I prefer a slight stretch, but too much does make their hip and croup look weak, hides hind leg angulation, and suggests there is something to hide.
My gelding, Mingus, loooooves to stretch, at times a bit too much. However, with him it's a package deal...when he parks out his hind legs, he obviously thinks he looks fine as he absolutely comes alive, with stretched neck and fiery eyes. How can I argue with a horse who's having so much fun?
Another idea I found very helpful ... have someone take pictures of you with each of your show horses set up differently (it's best to do this prior to the show if possible to practice). Take pictures of each horse square, stretched a bit and then stretched out, do the same with diffferent levels of their head and neck. I did this and found if invaluable to see what they really looked like from the "judge's" viewpoint. It proved to me that not all my show horses can be set up exactly the same way ... each had their own unique "most complimentary" set up.