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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2003
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Orono, MN
After driving by it many, many times over the years and saying "wouldn't it be fun to drive on that track?"

meaning a real race horse track located near us and not far from Canterbury Downs our Minnesota race track, my husband finally stopped in and talked to the owner of the training stable and the horse trainer that works for her. To my surprise (and shock) they were NOT like many "big horse" people when it comes to minis. They were very welcoming toward us and very interested in what we do with our minis and told us we could come by any day after the T/B's are done being worked on the track which is from 5AM - 9AM. We went for the first time this weekend and the owner and the trainer hung around and watched us hitch up the horses and asked lots of questions and the owner even drove one of the minis herself. We had a great time and it was so much fun to get out on the race track and let the horses fly. We took two horses that do roadster classes and being able to just let them out and have the long (LONG) straight aways and big sloping turns was so cool. Both horses went faster than they ever have before and neither had a problem with breaking into a canter out of their trots. We'd taken the baskets off the carts so really felt like harness racers. We had fun doing a little bit of racing each other (my husband and I). The track is 1/2 mile around and very wide and I felt like a tiny dot on it and I can't even imagine what the horses were thinking though I do know both of them were very well behaved and did awesome. I also felt like they were showing off a bit for the thoroughbreds that were in turn out pens near one corner of the track because when we would come around that corner they both would speed up, lift their knees higher, arch their neck and adjust their headset and just step up their action. Most of the gigantic T/B race horses were crowded at the fence but seemed pretty scared of the minis and when we got close enough they would all run away snorting and blowing. We really worked hard and for longer than usual but even at the end when we really felt the horses had done enough they were still eager to go and it was obvious they had fun too. We talked to the owner again after we were done on the track and found out she owns 600 acres, much of it along a big river (with horse trails, of course) and next door to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival which is the same place they hold the Trail of Terror around Halloween time. What THAT means is that going along on the horse trails and dirt roads on the property you see all sorts of random stuff that stays on that property year round. An abandoned (haunted?) house, signs, scary stuff, bits and pieces of exhibits, displays, etc. To cool the horses down we went about a mile down a winding dirt road and saw all sorts of interesting stuff that was a little bit freaky to the horses.

I really wish we'd stopped to talk to the race track owner a long time ago when we first started driving. We'd talk about it but never did. We had a wonderful time and it sure beat going round and round in the arena. This race track is only about 1/2 hour from our house so not hard to load up a couple of horses and carts and go.

Goes to show, it doesn't hurt to ask if you see an opportunity like this in your may get a "NO" but then again you may not. We've also talked to some of the big boarding stables about using their heated/air conditioned indoor arenas during off-peak hours. Some say yes, some say no.

I don't like staying in the arena when I don't have too, especially with my seasoned show horses - I want them to look forward to driving and have fun themselves, not be bored and I think it makes a big difference in their attitude and enthusiasm about showing. We will definitely continue going to the race track, plus I am going to keep an eye out for other places that might be fun for both us and the horses to drive at.

One thing I would LOVE to do that won't be happening is I'd love to drive along the ocean near the water's edge but being here in Minnesota it is too far and though we are the land of 10,000 lakes, our lakes shorelines are generally wooded, rocky or jagged. Not someplace you could drive.

Anyone else have other fun places outside of the arena or round pen they have worked or driven their horses? We also have some public wooded horse trails in our area in a park preserve that we have not taken advantage of that I think we need to try next whether we drive or just take them hiking.
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Cool!! Sounds like a blast! I've often got a kick out of how full sized horses are petrified of minis when they first see them.

I do little driving but when I do we have lots of pasture space. There is an area older couple who the lady hooks up her mini and checks cows, takes out mineral, fences basically what ever need be.
:bgrin You sure did create a total picture in my head

Sounds like a LOT of fun. Minis are SO cool, aren't they?!

Wow, that sounds like so much fun! We live right near a couple of great beaches that I've always wanted to take my horse to and drive and I keep putting it off, you've inspired me to just get out there and do it. Thanks :aktion033:
That race track sounds so awesome!! Was the dirt deep? I know it used to be at Longacres Park here in WA when I was younger.

We have a lot of wooded trails around here that are great to ride or drive on but my absolute favorite place is the beach. There is NOTHING like that endless vista with the sun setting over the Pacific, the soft clop of your horse's hooves on wet sand, and the way the imprints fill with a ghost of water after each stride.

The beach!!!!

The horses love it and there's not much for building muscle like the soft sand.

That sounded like so much fun. Wehave a place we want to try that runs along a river...I like the shade! Mary
I'm in VA and only 50 miles inland -- the Beach was my back yard for 20 years! -- but, being a "tourist" town because of that beach, animals are restricted during season.

But, most of our state parks offer riding trails. Anyone with such a treasure near them may want to call and ask the Park Rangers is this is allowed. Often some very, very nice trails that will accomodate the carts.
We have a beach and one day I'm going to go, but have been told that athe beach can ruin my harness even if I have a nylon one so not sure about that. We also have a track nearby so now that you have told that story I'll have to check it out. I also do trail drives and we have a friend who has about 1500 acres and cattle and I've been out there. The cows are quite shocked to see the mini and cart and move off quite well. Lil Bits could care less about them. My friend told me the one day that when she has to move them she'll have us come out :bgrin .

I know a lady in the next town up used to take her mini through the McDonald's drive through every Sunday morning. They got a picture of her in the paper
: .

We live in central Ohio and we haul to a rail trail for a lot of our conditioning. One of our horses actually had most of his harness training on that trail. We do a six mile stretch that ends with a little picnic area where we rest and have lunch, then back we go. The trail is tree lined and gorgeous. Some of the Amish buggy horses get pretty worried about us, but for the most part we all get along very well.

My favorite thing to do, only got out there once this year before my knee surgery, hope to get out once more before winter comes! Here is one of my favorite shots.

And here is the covered bridge we cross. This is the longest covered bridge in Ohio and the second longest covered bridge in the country.

It is kind of funny, we will be driving along enjoying the peace and quiet, only to have that quiet shattered by a boom box in an Amish buggy full of kids.
What a neat thread! I don't drive but wish I did. An amish buggy with a boombox really cracked me up! lol. I was just thinking a "Chicken Soup for the Miniature Horse Lover's Soul" would be a great idea!!! There are so many wonderful, funny and heartwarming stories about minis. Just a thought!!!

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