sheep and 4H

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Northwest California
Next year my daughter wants to add a lamb to her 4H projects.

Were is a good place to get sheep "stuff" they wear some kind of coat thing at fair don't they?

I'm guessing that the club has clippers to use but what kinds of other thing are their to buy?

Anyone in southwest Oregon or extrem northwest Calif area with good sheep for market lambs?

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The club should have the clippers and stands, but you might be responsible for buying the blankets/sheepy pajamas.

You'll probably need to buy a sheep halter to start, beyond that I'm not too sure.

I wish you lived closer to me, I have a middle-aged Suffolk ewe I'd let you have. :bgrin
Our sheep never wore anything at fair... except halters. o_O

Boy did mine dislike being washed, though!!

I miss her. She was so sweet. I was in it for FFA- a market lamb. Pigs sell better, but the sheep are wonderful. Ours were Suffolk crosses- they stayed small, white wool and black face/legs.

Small compared to the scary-big Club sheep... Columbias..... *shudder*
My brother lives in NY they have a BIG 4H turn out for the fair 120 Sheep this year. They dont wear blankets either they have someone come and shear them before the fair, they bathe them at the fair before the classes. Cant remember what kind his kids have something with red legs and faces. Good Luck, Kathy
The club should have the clippers and stands, but you might be responsible for buying the blankets/sheepy pajamas.

You'll probably need to buy a sheep halter to start, beyond that I'm not too sure.

I wish you lived closer to me, I have a middle-aged Suffolk ewe I'd let you have. :bgrin
Thanks for the offer, Suffolk is the breed I think she wants but I think they only aution lambs.

If the lamb project goes well we my get a ewe next year.

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