show clothes for guys . . . .

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Hi Matt,

To make this simpler; the bottom is it will all depend on what makes you feel comfortable internally to convey your delight and honor to be showing to the public this outstanding animal at the end of your lead.

In other words what would you wear to show off another in a public forum, regardless of what it is or whom.

Clothing that lets you hold out the lead with portraying an “air” of look at what I have the privilege of showing and I have the honor of being dressed like a gentleman to exhibit for you.

I personally suspect if you put it in that proper context; polished shoes, nice suit, not too loud but loud as required will all fall into place as required for you, whereby you do not outshine and do not under dress for your “presentation”.

Never dress so loud that the attention falls to you, only accent your animal (i.e. have a dress shirt that accents the color of the horse or combination shirt/suit while still being somewhat conservative). I can only give adjectives, but when you get ready to go in the ring, I suspect you get the feel of it.

Matt thanks for asking the tough questions. I have been looking for ideas here for a while and looking at MHW pics as well. As most people that know me know jeans and a t shirt are the extent of my prefered wardrobe. Almost forgot the Carhartts. I have been going with navy blue jacket, grayish blue pinstrip shirt and red tie and Kahkis. Seems ok for the local shows but never thought it was right for a bigger show.

I don't see myself in the lime green jacket and peach shirt with the matching color comb. It works for some but not me. (Well maybe I need to rethink that, if my horse as like brat maybe the judge will never notice the horse!) LOL

Thanks for all the ideas everyone!

Speaking of showmanship, can anyone tell me where they get their gloves from? I've looked at some types, most recently out at the trade shows of the AQHA World Show and the Morgan World Show but I can't find any like the ones I had that got a hole in them but I really like. I think their like a spandex material. My problem seems to be the ones I see at shows and such are short and I'd like some that go right past my wrist instead of just to my wrists. Also, I can only find like leather or suede and I don't like that because when your hands sweat it doesn't breathe. And I'm not crazy about the gripping material on most of the ones I've looked at. Anyway, would appreciate any tips anyone has on that. Thanks!
A good place to try finding show gloves is at a men's formal wear shop. They are usually the spandex type. Larry's brother used to own a tux shop a number of years ago and we'd stock up on gloves and sell them to folks on e-bay. We discovered that a lot of people who were showing horses were the ones buying!

Matt, I think if you wore HOT PINK you would get you noticed! The won't be able to keep their eyes off you!
I wear my hot pink shirt with my black suit pretty darn often - I get noticed! Add the suspenders and it's an all out fashion I'm one of those people who wears a lot of colored sport coats - it all depends on the horse and what compliments them the most. Black pants and white shirts are a staple of my base wardrobe at shows.

As for showmanship, check the rule books to make sure you have all the essential pieces for your attire. I like exhibitors to look professional - decent fitting clothes (not baggy or sloppy), pressed and clean.

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