Skins issues....

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Active Member
Jan 5, 2021
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Doylestown, Pa
I'm a relatively new mini owner of three years. I have a black and white mare who I thought had ring worm. I have been treating with a fungicide spray. My other minis do not have it so I'm not sure what it is. She had spots on her face and chest. It seemed to clear up but now she had some scabs on her back and she is losing hair and she is very itchy. What could this be? Can I treat myself or just call the vet?
I moved this thread to a section where it will get more attention.
Could be almost anything from mites or lice to ringworm or rainrot. Pictures might help. But sometimes you can't tell without scraping it and testing it. I get a little grossed out by anything itchy so I usually throw everything at it. I'd go through a bath day, clipping her if she is a little shaggy. Scrub her down with an anti fungal shampoo. Then put on a spot on fly protection, in case of creepy crawlies. I'd repeat the bath as often as the bottle said, or if it didn't say every 3-5 days. And then I'd probably do it to all the minis because if one has something they most likely all do, just not bad enough to notice.
Here is a formula my vet came up with and it is effective.
1 cup Skin So Soft, 2 cups white vinegar, 1/3 cup water, 1 T citronella oil or eucalyptus. I always used citronella.
Shake in a spray bottle and spritz it on the areas. You can spray some on a brush and use it to groom all over. I had to get the citronella from a health food store, or you can order it online. One bottle is about 1 T.
Good luck with this issue--it is devilish to deal with.
I've got a mini that has skin issues. Tested for allergies and has gone through lots of allergy shots. We were also dressing him to cover his whole body due to some insects allergies. Did not seem to help much at all. I, finally, out of desperation in the heat of last summer, decided to remove the fly sheets and only left fly boots on. His skin seemed to improve and he didn't seem to be so itchy. This year he seemed better with nothing but boots until it got really hot. He sweats very little. At the end of the the day and sometimes at midday we cooled him off with a mist tho he hates the hose, or by draping a soaking wet towels over him. Keeping his body temp down seems to really help. As soon as we got a break in East coast and temps and humidity, his skin cleared up as it does every winter. Lowering body temp for him seems the key for him.
That's very interesting, I wouldn't have thought about just trying to keep him cooler.
I've got a mini that has skin issues. Tested for allergies and has gone through lots of allergy shots. We were also dressing him to cover his whole body due to some insects allergies. Did not seem to help much at all. I, finally, out of desperation in the heat of last summer, decided to remove the fly sheets and only left fly boots on. His skin seemed to improve and he didn't seem to be so itchy. This year he seemed better with nothing but boots until it got really hot. He sweats very little. At the end of the the day and sometimes at midday we cooled him off with a mist tho he hates the hose, or by draping a soaking wet towels over him. Keeping his body temp down seems to really help. As soon as we got a break in East coast and temps and humidity, his skin cleared up as it does every winter. Lowering body temp for him seems the key for him.
That must be why keeping them in the shade is helpful.

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